It is Friday, so yes, you know it also means Leg Day at the gym. Begin with some Squats – front, and barbell. This builds up the strength in your legs that will help propel the rucksack.

Then some lunges and after the weighted sled push or an alternative if your gym doesn’t have one. Then finish the workout off with a 4-mile run. Get out and enjoy the rain today.

Remember to stretch well after the workout and to hydrate.

UBRR Training:

Continue to prep for the UBRR.

3 x Front Squat 20-15-12 reps (lighter weight)

3 x 10 Deadlifts

3 x 10 Barbell Squats

3 x 10 Dumbbell Lunges

3 x 10 Romanian Lunges

3 x 10 Leg Extensions

3 x Weighted sled push or Fireman’s Carry

4-mile run (32 minutes maximum)

Stretch well after completion