History can be an amazing teacher if you pay attention. The Spanish flu killed over half a million Americans in 1918, Polio killed thousands, Asian flu killed over fifty thousand, and of course, there was AIDs (and that epidemic wasn’t even airborne). With Ebola, America doesn’t need to reinvent anything when it comes to basic protocols of containment.

Why the President and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) did not place a freeze on incoming flights originating from West Africa is troubling, but points to the disturbing trend in big government to look busy, rather then actually accomplishing anything of significance.

Then we have the latest case in New York city, and this is the most troubling of cities for Ebola to hit. Why? Because over eight million people live in New York City, and in extremely close quarters. Ebola can spread with close contact and within a six-foot radius when symptoms are present, and it may get worse if it mutates and goes airborne beyond six feet.


(Photo: NYC Subway system courtesy of 212 Access)

I’m not an infectious disease expert, but like a lot of Americans, I have no problem exercising common sense and good judgement; the President has exercised neither with the Ebola outbreak.

Here are six Ebola policy changes we need now (#6 is mine)

I spoke with three experienced doctors (one specialized in infectious disease) and one Special Operations medic. Guess what happened? I got the best advice from a Navy SEAL friend of mine who trained as an Army 18 Delta Medic and later went on to the long course (if you’re military you know what that means).

1.  Make finding a vaccine a top priority, not an after-the-fact