A Syrian man was on Monday identified as one of two people arrested over the bombing of a London tube train last week.

Yahyah Farroukh, a 21-year-old originally from Damascus, was pictured being stopped by police outside a fried chicken shop in the Hounslow area of west London on Saturday night.

He and another man, reportedly an 18-year-old Iraqi, were arrested over the weekend after a improvised device exploded in a tube train at the Parsons Green Station on Friday. Nearly two dozen people were injured.

Some were seriously burned but others were hurt in the stampede to flee the carriage.

Officers were on Monday searching an address understood to be Farroukh’s home Stanwell, in Surrey, only metres from the outer boundaries of Heathrow airport, the Gaurdian reported.

According to a Facebook profile thought to belong to Farroukh, he is originally from Damascus, in Syria, and studied English at West Thames college, near the Stanwell property.


Read the whole story from Middle East Eye.