In sub-Saharan Africa, trouble keeps expanding in the form of new branches of extremist terror and criminal organizations. The question today is: Who is the Islamic State in the greater Sahara?

The easy answer to that question is they are an Islamic State affiliation, which means they fall in line with Al Baghdadi’s group in Syria and Iraq. IS has been making moves in Africa for a while now with little success. Al-Shabaab denied them access to their network in Somalia. That does not mean there are not little offshoots in northern Somalia, but they are barely any threat to Somalia and its neighbors. In Libya they had better opportunities, but even now the ground is shrinking around them.

Mali, Niger and Libya are no stranger to terror groups of the likes of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Al-Mourabitoun, Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin, Ansar Dine, Movement for Oneness and Jihad in west Africa, Ansaru, Ansaroul Islam and Macina Liberation Front.

They have had success with Boko Haram in Nigeria. Having the group swear-in sometime last year gave them a good footprint in northern Africa. The thorn in IS’s heel is Al-Qaeda (AQ). AQ has been established there for a long time and runs the criminal activity in the area. That means anything from drug running, arms dealing, kidnapping and of course human trafficking.

The local Tuareg community has a better understanding with AQ because they assisted the Tuareg in their rebellion in 2012, even though AQ had its own ideas and the two sides split. However, business is still done between them. The hard part to all of this is: Where did ISIS-Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS) come from? Who are their leaders? What is their area of operations? With such a new group, there’s limited open-source information on them.


Where did they come from?

They are nomadic people – were they not, they would reference a country in the title like their counterparts in Iraq and Syria. The Tuaregs based out of Mali have shown an ambition for violence and a separate state, exemplified in the Tuareg rebellion in 2012.  Mali is a mix of Islamic extremist terror groups and some in the past have shown signs of wanting to move towards a solidified Islamic state and join their brothers in Nigeria, Iraq and Syria. In regards to Al-Mourabitoun, its leaders were undecided in which direction to take the group early this year. Some of them were loyal to AQ with the younger members seeing the rise of Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.