In today’s world, the threat of an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack isn’t just science fiction. It’s a real possibility, and anyone serious about survival needs to understand what it is and how to prepare for it.

An EMP could knock out power grids, disable electronics, and plunge us back to the caveman days—no electricity, running water, or electronic communication. Let’s explore what you need to know and do to survive an EMP attack.

What Is an EMP?

An Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that can be generated by a nuclear explosion at high altitudes or by specialized non-nuclear devices.

Establishing a self-sufficient lifestyle with renewable resources and reliable communication methods will help ensure long-term survival in a post-EMP attack world. (National Review)

When an EMP occurs, it releases a wave of energy that can disrupt and disable electronic devices and power grids. The scale of the damage depends on the strength of the EMP and the distance from the source.

In simpler terms, an EMP can fry anything with an electronic circuit. This includes your car, your phone, and even the power grid itself. The impact of such an event could be catastrophic, leaving entire regions or even the whole country without power for an extended period.

Immediate Effects of an EMP

The immediate effects of an EMP are straightforward—most modern conveniences are gone in an instant. Cars might stall in the middle of the highway, airplanes could lose power mid-flight, and everything from your microwave to your smartphone becomes useless.

Without power, grocery stores, hospitals, and emergency services would be crippled. Water and sewage treatment plants rely on electricity, so even basic sanitation could become problematic. Communication networks would be down, leaving you in the dark about what’s happening around you. If you’ve ever lived in an area stricken by a natural disaster, you have some idea of the extent of the devastation. Your normal day-to-day existence becomes quite unpleasant in an instant.

Preparing for an EMP Attack

Stockpile Essential Supplies

The first step in preparing for an EMP attack is to stockpile essential supplies, focusing on food, water, and medical necessities. In the aftermath of an EMP, you won’t have the luxury of relying on just-in-time delivery systems or running to the store for supplies. You must ensure you have enough resources to sustain yourself and your family for several months, if not longer.


Prioritize non-perishable foods like canned goods, rice, beans, pasta, and freeze-dried meals. These items have long shelf lives and provide essential nutrients.

Proper food storage ensures you have the necessary nutrients to maintain health and energy during prolonged disruptions. (Mascara House Plans)

It is wise to diversify your stockpile to include proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to maintain balanced nutrition. Consider adding items like peanut butter, powdered milk, and multivitamins to ensure you’re meeting dietary needs. Store your food in a cool, dry place, and rotate your stockpile regularly to avoid spoilage.

In the military, we are taught to live off the land, and for every family, I think this must be a solid plan B. In the future, we plan to bring you more in-depth survival guidelines. If the worst-case scenario comes, you’ll be surprised how quickly the supplies in your pantry are depleted. I suggest you get to work on a family garden right now and stockpile seeds for the future. Fishing and hunting can bring excellent life-saving sources of protein. You’ll need to know which plants are edible and which plants are not and how to test for edibility.


Water is critical for survival. Store as much as possible, adhering to the guideline of at least one gallon per person per day for drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene. As a rule of thumb, a person can only survive three days without water.

However, it’s prudent to aim for a higher reserve if space allows. Include water purification tablets, portable filtration systems, and even unscented bleach (eight drops per gallon) to purify additional water sources. Identify and map out nearby natural water sources as a backup. Keep in mind, you won’t be the only one in search of these vital resources. Learn to make a utilize a solar still.

Medical Supplies

A well-stocked first-aid kit is essential, but don’t stop there. Include a comprehensive range of medical supplies such as bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications. Many of us would be in a world of hurt if our prescription meds were suddenly cut off. Always think, what if? What if I can’t get my blood pressure or heart medicine refilled for several months? You might want to discuss this with your doctor. Invest in numerous products to stop bleeding. Bleeding out is a major cause of death in an injury that would be otherwise manageable. Buy a tourniquet and know how and when to use it.

A well-stocked medical supply kit is essential in an EMP attack scenario, as access to healthcare may be severely limited, making it crucial for treating injuries and managing health conditions. (Outdoor Gear Lab)

If anyone in your household has chronic conditions like diabetes or asthma, ensure you have a substantial supply of their medications.

Additionally, consider including antibiotics, a blood pressure cuff, and basic surgical tools if you have the training to use them. Don’t forget personal hygiene items, as maintaining cleanliness will be vital to prevent infections when medical care might be limited or unavailable.

Protect Your Electronics

Protecting your electronics from an EMP is crucial, as a strong pulse can permanently damage or destroy any device with a circuit.

The best way to safeguard these critical items is by storing them in a Faraday cage. A Faraday cage is essentially an enclosure made of conductive material that can block external electric fields, thereby protecting the devices inside from the devastating effects of an EMP.

You don’t need to purchase expensive or specialized equipment to create a functional Faraday cage. A simple metal trash can with a tight-fitting lid can serve the purpose.

However, it’s essential to ensure that the metal enclosure is continuous and that there are no gaps or holes, which could allow electromagnetic waves to enter. To prevent direct contact between the metal and your electronics, line the interior with cardboard or another insulating material. This helps avoid any potential short circuits.

There are also many commercially available Faraday bags that work quite well for smaller items.

Items to Store in a Faraday Cage:

  • Radios (especially ham radios)
  • Flashlights
  • Backup batteries
  • Solar chargers
  • Small generators or inverters (if space allows)
  • Spare laptops, tablets, or external hard drives

When considering what to store in your Faraday cage, focus on essential devices that you might need in the aftermath of an EMP. These items should be prioritized based on their importance in a survival scenario.

Create a Communication Plan

In the event of an EMP, traditional communication methods like cell phones, landlines, and internet services will likely be rendered useless.

This makes it imperative to have an alternative communication plan in place. One of the most reliable options is investing in ham radios, also known as amateur radios. Unlike other forms of communication, ham radios can operate independently of the power grid and, when properly protected, can still function after an EMP event.

Steps for an Effective Communication Plan:

  • Invest in Ham Radios: These can operate independently and are less likely to be affected by an EMP.
  • Training: Ensure everyone in your family or group knows how to use the radios.
  • Set Frequencies: Agree on specific frequencies for communication to avoid confusion.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Establish a schedule for regular communication to ensure everyone stays connected.
  • Store Accessories: Include portable antennas, spare batteries, and other essential accessories in your Faraday cage.

By having a robust communication plan, you’ll be better equipped to coordinate with your group and respond to challenges as they arise in a post-EMP environment.

Develop a Self-Sufficiency Mindset

In the wake of an EMP, self-sufficiency is crucial. This means knowing how to grow your own food, purify your own water, and defend your home. Start by learning basic gardening techniques. Even a small garden can provide essential nutrients.

For water, identify nearby natural sources like rivers or lakes. Learn how to purify water using simple methods like boiling, using chlorine tablets, or a portable filtration system.

When it comes to security, understand that law enforcement may be stretched thin to the extent that they might as well be nonexistent. You should have a plan in place to protect your home and family from potential threats. Firearms training is essential if you choose to keep weapons, but remember that the best defense is often a good deterrent.

Surviving the Aftermath

Community Cooperation

While it’s tempting to think you can go it alone, the reality is that surviving in a post-EMP world will be much easier if you have a community. People with different skills—medical, mechanical, agricultural—can contribute to the group’s overall survival.

Get to know your neighbors now. Form a local preparedness group and share knowledge and resources. In an EMP scenario, your local community might be your only lifeline.

Long-Term Food Production

Once your initial stockpile runs low, you’ll need a sustainable source of food to ensure long-term survival. This requires a serious commitment to agriculture and animal husbandry.

In an EMP attack scenario, sustainable food production is vital for long-term survival, as it ensures a continuous supply of fresh, nutritious food when outside resources are unavailable. (Supply Chain Brain)

Start with a small garden, focusing on high-yield crops like potatoes, beans, and leafy greens. These crops are relatively easy to grow, nutrient-dense, and can be preserved for later use. As you gain experience, expand your garden to include a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs to provide a balanced diet.

Considerations for Long-Term Food Production:

  • Crops: Potatoes, beans, corn, carrots, tomatoes, and leafy greens.
  • Livestock: Chickens and rabbits are ideal due to their minimal space requirements and high protein yield. For a sneak peak at “What We Do and Eat in Special Forces Survival Training” check out this article by my buddy Geo Hand. Be advised: “Bunny Baseball” is nowhere as cute as it sounds.
  • Food Preservation: Canning, drying, and smoking are essential skills to learn to ensure a continuous food supply, especially during the off-season.
  • Seed Storage: Keep a stock of non-GMO seeds for future planting, as well as instructions on how to harvest seeds from your crops.

Health and Sanitation

In a post-EMP world, maintaining health and sanitation becomes paramount, as access to modern healthcare will be severely limited. Small injuries and infections that are easily treatable today could become life-threatening without proper care.

Emphasize cleanliness and personal hygiene to prevent disease. Learn basic first-aid skills, and consider taking a first-aid course if possible. Keep a comprehensive first-aid kit and a medical reference book on hand for more complex medical issues. If there is an 18D trained special operations medic around make him your new best friend.

Health and Sanitation Measures:

  • First-Aid Kit: Include bandages, antiseptics, pain relievers, and prescription medications.
  • Hygiene Products: Soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectants are crucial for preventing infections.
  • Waste Management: Without running water, you’ll need alternative ways to manage waste. Digging latrines at a safe distance from your living area and water sources is one solution. Composting toilets can serve as a more sustainable long-term option.
  • Water Purification: Have a method for purifying water, such as boiling, filtration, or chemical purification, to avoid waterborne diseases.

Energy Alternatives

While the power grid might be down, there are alternative ways to generate electricity and maintain some level of comfort.

Solar panels are crucial in an EMP attack scenario, providing a reliable source of electricity to power essential devices when the grid is down. (Ames Tribune)

Solar panels, wind turbines, and small-scale hydroelectric systems can provide power for essential devices like lights, radios, and medical equipment.

Pro Tip: Invest in a Dark Energy Spectre portable solar panel. They are extremely flexible and crush-proof (up to 2oo lbs), as evidenced below. They are also one of the few portable solar panels that can provide a true 15-watt power output. I can vouch for this because I’ve been using them since they first came out on the market. One can recharge an average cell phone in just four hours and in 8 hours it can recharge one of Dark Energy’s Poseidon Pro products, which with 10,200 mAh capacity are the best portable battery I have ever found. You can run a laptop for over four hours with one of these things.


Dark Energy Spectre
Dark Energy Spectre solar panel

However, remember that these systems could be vulnerable to an initial EMP blast, so it’s crucial to store critical components in a Faraday cage to protect them.

Energy Alternatives to Consider:

  • Solar Panels: Portable solar chargers or larger solar panels can help generate electricity during daylight hours.
  • Wind Turbines: Suitable in areas with consistent wind, they can provide a steady power supply.
  • Hydroelectric Systems: Ideal if you have access to a flowing water source.
  • Heating and Cooking: Wood-burning stoves are a reliable option for heating your home and cooking food. They don’t rely on electricity and can be fueled by readily available firewood. Stock up on firewood and learn how to chop and store it properly for long-term use.
Hydroelectric power is vital in an EMP attack scenario, offering a continuous and independent energy source that can sustain essential systems when other power options are unavailable. (Aquila Power)

Moving Forward

An EMP attack would be a game-changer, stripping away the conveniences we’ve grown accustomed to and forcing us back to basics. Preparation is key.

By understanding the threat, stockpiling essential supplies, and developing a self-sufficiency mindset, you can improve your chances of surviving and even thriving in a post-EMP world.

Remember, it’s not just about surviving the initial event — it’s about sustaining yourself and your loved ones in the challenging days, months, and years that follow.


Disclaimer: SOFREP utilizes AI for image generation and article research. Occasionally, it’s like handing a chimpanzee the keys to your liquor cabinet. It’s not always perfect and if a mistake is made, we own up to it full stop. In a world where information comes at us in tidal waves, it is an important tool that helps us sift through the brass for live rounds.