We’ve all seen the Taran Tactical shooting videos with Keanu Reeves training for the John Wick movies which is bad-ass. I’m not usually one to watch videos on competition shooting since that is not my thing, but I have to say the following video held my attention the entire time. Here, Navy SEAL Shawn Ryan takes the time to learn from one of the best in competition shooting. Before they even begin putting rounds down range, they spend half of the time going over the platforms they are shooting as well as some different techniques to get both good hits and faster times.

Taran Butler talks about his Glock 34 setup and why he prefers the Glock over other platforms. Out of the box, he makes two necessary modifications; the sights and the trigger. Watch the following video to learn more.


Former Navy SEAL, CIA contractor, and Weapons and Tactics Instructor Shawn Ryan of Vigilance Elite gives competition shooting a closer look by training with the Legend himself… Multiple world and National Champion, the man who trained Keanu Reeves for the John Wick series along with many other “A” listers, Taran Butler of Taran Tactical Innovations.


*Photo courtesy of Vigilance Elite Youtube channel