A new pulse is being felt in the murky waters of international politics, where shadows dance and allegiances shift like sand.

A survey, a roll call of American security veterans, has come down the wire, and the word is clear: China’s muscle, though flexed and formidable, might not be cut out for the mammoth task of taking Taiwan.

The Veteran’s Verdict: A Calculated Gaze

Out of 52 seasoned minds, a mere 27 percent reckon the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has the grit to storm Taiwan’s shores.

It’s not just about firepower and numbers; it’s about the nerve and sinew required to pull off an amphibious assault of that scale.

And lurking behind every strategic calculation is the silent sentinel, the American force poised to leap at the call.

“Only 27 percent of US experts polled agreed that China could execute an amphibious invasion given its current capabilities, and just 17 percent of Taiwan respondents believed the same,” the report noted.

An invasion, they say, isn’t a sprint; it’s an intricate ballet, a high-stakes performance on the waves.

The veterans know the score; it’s a game of colossal commitment, a tangle of logistics and tactics.