How to Get Us to Your City

Dear Friend of Finn:

Immediately after we announced our 2022 Cold Fear Book Tour we were flooded with emails.

“When are you coming to Chicago? … DC? … Philadelphia? … Colorado? … California? … and so on.

We wish we could go everywhere. We really do. But consider this: Last year, when we launched STEEL FEAR during Covid, Brandon went to Books & Books in Miami. Period. This year, with COLD FEAR, we’ve upped that to the handful of places listed below.

And next year, with Finn book 3? We’ll hit as many of your cities as we can.

You can help make that happen. Because, the more successful this year’s book tour is, the better our chances of cutting a wider swathe next year.

And there are three things you can do to help make this year’s tour an outstanding success.

ATTEND. If you live anywhere remotely close enough to any of these locations, come join us! These are all independent bookstores, the lifeblood of a novelist’s career. When you come to a book signing, you’re supporting indies.