Former Special Forces medic Leo Jenkins recently wrote an article highlighting the top four charities he recommends after the controversy surrounding the Wounded Warrior Project. Amongst those that Leo recommends is the Red Circle Foundation, a charity founded by Brandon Webb which helps the families of Special Operations Forces veterans with immediate financial support. Check out the article below.- Desiree

At this point most people are aware of the controversy surrounding Wounded Warrior Project’s (WWP) excessive, frivolous spending. Reports of a staggeringly low, 60% of donations actually being applied to WWP’s mission surfaced early this year. The actions of this organization have created a distrust in a lot of people. As a result people are more hesitant to donate to legitimate organizations in need. While there will always be those willing to take advantage of the service of others there are a multitude of truly deserving and altruistic veteran run foundations. The following is a short (non exhaustive) list of veteran charities worthy of your support.


  • Mission: GallantFew’s mission is to prevent veteran isolation by connecting new veterans with hometown veteran mentors, thereby facilitating a peaceful, successful transition from military service to a civilian life filled with hope and purpose.
  • Why GallantFew: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. While GallantFew does provide mental health and financial resources for veterans in need, their main objective is to prevent the need for those interventions by focusing on the bonds forged in service. Their ultimate goal is to connect every veteran leaving active duty with a local, previously transitioned and connected veteran. This mentor relationship helps new veterans transition back into a civilian life, gain meaningful employment and have an ally nearby in times of need.
  • By the Numbers: In 2015, less than 5% of revenue was allocated to overhead organizational expenses with slightly more than 95% allocated to mission based expenses. GallantFew practices financial transparency. Their numbers can be viewed here…
  • From GallantFew founder, Karl Monger. “We believe communities are the answer to veteran transition issues, and these communities take several forms. The communities of specific veteran populations -i.e. Rangers, or Marines, best know how to work with their own. Often I say our work must be “of the community, by the community and for the community. GallantFew’s main goal remains to build our network so we are able to match transitioning Veterans with successfully transitioned Veterans. This enables us to help keep the Veteran on azimuth.”



Team Red White and Blue

  • Mission: Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity.
  • Why Team Red White and Blue: There is a growing divide between civilians and military/veterans in the United States. One of the most unique aspects to Team RWB’s approach is their efforts to narrow that particular gap. Civilians (who make up 30% of Team RWB’s membership) are encouraged to attend events alongside veterans, giving the opportunity for much needed interaction in a positive, healthy environment.
    • A few statistics:
      • 55% of active veterans in Team RWB report feeling less down, depressed or hopeless
      • 64% maintain a healthier weight
      • 81% feel more satisfied with their life
      • 50% feel less nervous, anxious or on edge
  • By the numbers: Team RWB practices complete transparency with their financials. While just under 4% of what the organization took in last year went to advertising, the return on investment clearly shows the value of those dollars spent.
  • How are donations utilized: Donations to Team RWB are used to fund veteran enriching programs. The Chapter and Community Program is a community based chapter model that hosts local, consistent and inclusive opportunities for veterans to participate in positive health behaviors that lead to positive health outcomes. Chapters host 3-5 physical, social and service projects that are no cost to the member. Our Leadership Development Program educates, inspires and empowers veterans to translate their military experience into leadership within their communities. We host leadership and athletic camps, seminars, summits and more experiential learning opportunities through our Eagle Leader Fellowship.
  • From Team Red White and Blue Director of Development, and former Army Ranger, Brandon Young. “Strong ties to individuals and a larger social network are the key ingredients to living a happier and more fulfilled life. And connectedness to others is a major protective factor against developing physical and behavioral health problems, including early death.”
  • From Team Red, White and Blue Director of Development, and former Army Ranger, Brandon Young, “Throughout our maturation, we have created an environment, of and by the customer, The American Veteran, that reframes the system into a network of inclusion, action and results. One based on the richness of wellness, acceptance, unity and belonging where veterans do the (previously) unthinkable: engage with their communities, lead, self-identify their challenges in a safe and supportive environment and get connected to solutions. We give veterans and Americans permission to be inspired and empower them to make a difference in their own life and the lives of others. Together we have ignited a movement that we will grow wider and deeper, reaching more veterans and more communities for the betterment of our great Nation.

  • How to support Team Red White and Blue: Join the team HERE or help them with a donation