Admission into the United States service academies are highly sought after. The United States Military, Naval, Air Force, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard academies have acceptance rates ranging from 9% to 18%.

In addition to their highly rigorous admissions processes, they enjoy an esteemed reputation for educating and preparing top-ranking members of the US military and intelligence communities for service.

But to gain acceptance, you have to jump through a few more hurdles than you would at traditional colleges.

For instance applicants cannot be married, pregnant, or have any children for whom they have legal responsibility.

The admissions process also starts much sooner than at traditional schools. Beginning in candidates’ junior year of high school, they start to fill out questionnaires and begin applying for official nominations. These nominations come from members of Congress, US senators, and the vice president, as well as other military personnel.

Applicants also undergo a medical assessment that examines both their physical and mental health, and are required to take fitness tests. Most schools require the Candidate Fitness Assessment (CFA), a six-event exam aimed at judging the applicants’ physical fitness level.


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