As written by Mark Divine for MindBodyGreen.

Do you tend to back off, or even quit, when things get really hard? Is it because you get overwhelmed emotionally, and let fear, uncertainty, or frustration derail you from your mission? My experience is that most people feel they should be able to bounce back quickly from life’s bummer moments, but they don’t know how and are left living in regret.

Resilient people are resilient not because they were born that way, but because they learned along the way that setbacks are simply an opportunity to learn and grow. It is a mindset and set of skills.

“The bottom line is that emotional resiliency is a necessary ingredient of success.”

I am a former Navy SEAL, and work on training SEALs in my current role. When you look at the tactics employed by Navy SEALs, you would notice a fiery determination to stay the course — even when hit by serious difficulties. SEALs learn that an inability to rebound quickly from failure can have crippling consequences. Grit, formed from mental toughness and emotional resiliency, is a by-product of training through failure, while expecting to win.

The bottom line is that emotional resiliency is a necessary ingredient of success for anyone working toward lofty goals. Here are a few tips to help you develop strengthen your resilience. Though these steps are simple to understand, they take extreme discipline to master. Here they are:

Step 1: Learn to witness the negative emotional reaction as it arises.

Next, observe the root emotion beneath it.