The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has escalated to new heights, with Israeli airstrikes targeting a significant number of “underground Hamas installations” in the Gaza Strip.

The latest round of violence has intensified over the past few weeks, leading to growing concerns about the humanitarian situation in Gaza and the safety of hostages held prisoner by Hamas.

In this article, we will delve into the recent developments in the conflict, the impact on both sides, and the international response.

Heaviest Aerial Bombardment

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a massive aerial bombardment in Gaza, focusing on underground Hamas targets.

The IDF reported that approximately 100 Israeli fighter jets were involved in these airstrikes, which began after dusk on a Friday night, October 27.

These strikes marked the heaviest aerial bombardment of the war thus far.

The targets of the airstrikes included “terror tunnels, underground combat spaces, and additional underground infrastructure.”

The military operation was not limited to airstrikes alone; Israeli armor and infantry remained in Gaza, indicating a significant and growing ground presence in the region.

The intensity of the fighting has raised alarm among the families of the 229 hostages held by Hamas in Gaza. The Hostages and Missing Families Forum has called for an immediate meeting with Israeli leadership to address concerns about the safety of their loved ones.

Humanitarian Crisis

Also on Friday, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for an immediate and sustainable humanitarian truce in Gaza.

The resolution received overwhelming support from member states, with 120 in favor, 45 abstaining, and only 14, including the United States and Israel, voting against it.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza has deteriorated significantly.

Basic services have crumbled, leaving the population exposed to major outbreaks of disease. Streets have overflowed with sewage, and essential supplies such as food, water, and medicine have become increasingly scarce. Citizens have been advised several times to evacuate the war zone.

The ongoing bombardment has disrupted internet, cellular, and landline services in Gaza, making it difficult to assess the full extent of casualties and details of ground incursions. People in Gaza are grappling with darkness, as electricity was cut off weeks ago, and communication with loved ones has become nearly impossible.

The director of a humanitarian organization in the West Bank expressed her concern over the lack of communication, saying:

“We’ve been seeing these horrible things and massacres when it’s live on TV, so now what will happen when there’s a total blackout?”

Families outside Gaza are panicking as they lose contact with their relatives inside the conflict zone.

Israeli Perspective

The Israeli military has asserted that its airstrikes target Hamas fighters and infrastructure, emphasizing that militants often operate from among civilian populations, putting them in harm’s way. This argument is at the heart of the ongoing international debate surrounding the conflict.

IDF spokesperson R Adm Hagari confirmed that ground forces had been “expanding their activity” in Gaza and “acting with great force to achieve the objectives of the war.”

Israel has amassed a significant number of troops along the border in preparation for an expected ground offensive.

Israel’s defense minister, Yoav Gallant, acknowledged that a lengthy and difficult ground offensive was expected. Disrupting Hamas’s vast network of tunnels and eliminating pockets of resistance will likely be a protracted and challenging process.

The endgame of this invasion remains unclear.

While Israel aims to crush Hamas’s rule in Gaza and its ability to threaten Israel, the specifics of how this defeat will be measured and who will govern the territory post-conflict are yet to be determined.

Defense Minister Visits Families of Hostages

During a recent gathering amid the ongoing hostilities with Hamas, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had a heart-to-heart with the families of Israeli hostages. This meeting took place on a Sunday, offering a glimpse into the emotional landscape surrounding the war initiated on the Jewish festivity of Simchat Torah on October 7, following assaults and civilian massacres in Israeli hamlets by Hamas terrorists.

Expressing his firm resolve, Gallant conveyed to the aggrieved families that Israel’s stance was unyielding in triumphing over the adversities of war. He underscored the criticality of the mission at hand: to bring back the abducted individuals while clinching a victory in this war. In his view, other concerns paled in comparison to these pressing objectives.

Gallant didn’t mince words when addressing the mind games played by Hamas concerning the captives. He opined that the narratives spun by Hamas were nothing but manipulative tactics designed to exact a psychological toll on Israel’s populace. Pure propaganda. By exploiting the captured, Hamas, according to Gallant, was well aware of the emotional strain and anxiety they were inflicting.

International Response

The international community is closely monitoring the situation in Gaza and has called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

The overwhelming support for the UN General Assembly resolution demonstrates the growing concern about the humanitarian crisis and civilian casualties.

The United States, Israel’s closest ally, has also emphasized the importance of protecting civilians and delivering humanitarian aid in Gaza.

The US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Gallant and urged Hamas to release all hostages.

Arab nations, including some that have established peace agreements with Israel, have expressed alarm over the potential ground invasion of Gaza. An urban conflict in densely populated areas would likely result in increased casualties and further instability in the region.


To reiterate: The recent escalation in the Israel-Hamas war has intensified the suffering of the people in Gaza and raised concerns about the safety of hostages held by Hamas. The international community has called for an immediate ceasefire and a focus on humanitarian assistance.

The conflict’s endgame remains uncertain, as Israel aims to dismantle Hamas’s infrastructure and end its ability to threaten the region. The situation in Gaza is dire, with deteriorating living conditions, limited communication, and a growing number of casualties.