The Netherlands’ intelligence service reported last Thursday that they caught a Russian spy posing as a Brazilian national who was allegedly planning to infiltrate the International Criminal Court.

The Russian spy, now revealed to be Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov flew to the Netherlands last April. He used his fake identity as a 33-year-old Brazilian citizen with the name “Viktor Muller Ferreira.” He allegedly built this identity and cover story over the past 12 years. Later, the Dutch authorities stated that he was part of Russia’s GRU military intelligence branch.

The Russian spy was trying to enter the Netherlands using a fake ID, which was identified by the airport officials as by Brazil’s federal police. According to reports, he somehow obtained a six-month trial period at the International Criminal Court as a junior analyst in the Preliminary Examinations Sections.

After being outed by the Dutch authorities, he was immediately booked a one-way ticket back to Brazil. There, the Brazilian authorities arrested Cherkasov for identity fraud.