• Caitlan Coleman, who was held in captivity by the Taliban-allied Haqqani network for 5 years, spoke to a reporter for the first time since she was kidnapped.
  • She said she wanted to clear up misinformation about how she was rescued and discussed the moment she realized her ordeal was over.
  • Coleman is recovering with her family in Toronto.

The American woman who was held captive by the Taliban-allied Haqqani network described the tense moment she and her family were rescued by Pakistani military forces after five years in captivity.

Caitlan Coleman was held with her husband, Joshua Boyle, and their three children in a series of houses and underground bunkers along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. The family was rescued 12 days ago and is now recovering at Boyle’s parent’s house in Toronto along with their children.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

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