One of the most difficult arts to master, and the most sought after, in the shooting world for most is the art of the long gun. For most shooters, taking their favorite rifle down to the range and shooting at a target at 100 yards is fun and challenging. Hitting a reactive target or even grouping well with their rifle at this range is both challenging and satisfying. And for a lot of shooters, they have no desire to go beyond that. Their favorite rifle is “accurate enough”, and they are content to believe 100 yards is a long shot. Gun magazines tout the accuracy of rifles and post up groups taken at 100 yards with their favorite ammo, and this is all well and good to some.

When you enter the world of long-distance shooting, where shots past 1 kilometer are de rigueur, however, many things change and become more important. The rifle’s characteristics play a great part, but so do the shooter’s own skills, and in this world, the key to success is all about the fundamentals.


It’s All About Control

So what are the fundamentals of shooting? Many folks who practice with a rifle and a target figure steady hold and breath control are all that is required. Missing the shot, or having a 2″ group at 100 yards is pretty darned good, and days when you have shots all over the map are just because your rifle is crap, right? Well, not so much.

“Controlling the mind and every physical element you can is key (bullet temp., identical cheek weld, finger placement, etc)”-Brandon

Getting into the fine details of the system of the rifle aside, the shooter’s very posture and timing is the base he must build on to make those shots count. Controlling the shot is as much about controlling the body as it is about the rifle.  Several key aspects come into play here, and they are fundamentally the most important.
