“Nobody predicted this,” said Chris Matthews on MSNBC.

“I don’t know one poll that suggested that Donald Trump was going to have this kind of night,” said Jake Tapper on CNN.

“He is still in this,” said Chris Wallace of Fox News a few minutes after 9 p.m., adding, “and I’m not sure a lot of us thought he would be at this hour.”

As Americans watched the presidential race turn on Tuesday from what had been predicted to be a Hillary Clinton victory into a late-night nail-biter, television news anchors seemed as stunned as viewers at home.

“I was wrong: This is a tight race,” said Nicole Wallace, a Republican strategist and MSNBC analyst. On ABC News, the correspondent Terry Moran spoke of Britain’s vote to exit the European Union and said, “I’ve got a bad sense of déjà vu.” John King, CNN’s slicer and dicer of voting returns, declared, “We’re having a conversation now that was impossible to have two weeks ago.”

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