The Corps of Cadets filled both the Arnold and Robinson Auditoriums to attend evening lectures from NASA Astronauts Andrew Morgan and Mark Vande Hei on Sept. 8 and 14, respectively, at the U.S. Military Academy.

On behalf of the Departments of Physics and Nuclear Engineering and Systems Engineering, both educators spoke out to the young hopefuls with the intent to inspire the desire to lead with character through the groundbreaking examples left behind by past and current astronauts.

As Vande Hei went through his slides showing the cadets photos of Earth from the International Space Station, he confirmed, with a daytime satellite photo and a jocular smile, that “Yes, you can see West Point from space.”

Cadets in Robinson Auditorium erupted with applause as they took in the humbling image of West Point as a circled iota on an ISS satellite image.
Meanwhile, in Morgan’s lecture, Class of 2023 Cadet Samantha Gunn listened as he asked, “Who here is interested in space?”

She and other cadets raised their hands, and for Gunn she always had a fascination with seeing things from a bird’s eye view. That fascination turned into a passion when she joined the West Point Aviation Team.

Now, as a senior at the academy, she sat and listened with a keen interest in becoming a NASA astronaut one day.

“Space is something I’ve always been interested in since I was a kid. I’ve attended past NASA lectures and they’re all really interesting,” Gunn said. “It’s really cool to see it from a Systems Engineering perspective, because I’m not a physics major or a hard science major. But this lecture puts things into a better perspective. Even though it’s a very hard program to be successful in, becoming an astronaut is something that’s achievable.”

During their perspective lectures, both astronauts spent over an hour giving cadets a deep dive into the world of an astronaut and what it takes to work for NASA.