In a bid to enhance security measures in the Solomon Islands, Australia has announced its commitment to deploying additional personnel to cover two significant events: the upcoming Pacific Games in November and the general elections scheduled for the following year. This move underscores Canberra’s unwavering support for its neighboring island nation and its ongoing efforts to maintain regional stability.

Strengthening Security Partnerships

Australian security personnel were initially dispatched to the Solomon Islands’ capital, Honiara, in November 2021 following a period of anti-government unrest. They have since collaborated with counterparts from Fiji, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and the local police force to ensure peace and security within the nation.

The decision to extend the presence of Australian police officers in the Solomon Islands was made following an invitation from the Solomon Islands government, initially intended to end in December.

A spokesperson from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated, “At the request of the Solomon Islands Government, Australia has extended its contribution to the Solomons International Assistance Force (SIAF) until June 2024 to assist with security for the national general elections.”

Its spokesperson noted that this commitment will further underscore Australia’s role as the Solomon Islands’ “primary security partner.”

Geopolitical Shifts in the Pacific

The decision to send more Australian personnel follows Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s signing of a new agreement with Beijing in July, allowing China to maintain a police presence in the country until 2025. This development raised concerns about the potential shifting of alliances and influence in the region.

In June, Sogavare initiated a review of Australia’s longstanding security pact with the Solomon Islands, raising concerns about the nation’s changing diplomatic landscape. This move fueled fears that the Solomon Islands might be drifting closer to China’s sphere of influence.

The Pacific Games: A Regional Highlight

The Pacific Games, set to commence on November 19 in Honiara, are expected to draw approximately 5,000 athletes from 24 nations. This two-week sporting event will showcase talent from across the Pacific and place significant demands on security and logistics.

Last month, China turned over the completed 2023 Pacific Games Stadium Project to the Solomon Islands. The project, seen as a symbol of friendship and cooperation between the two nations, comprises a state-of-the-art stadium complex with various sporting facilities. This collaboration began after establishing diplomatic relations in 2019, with construction starting in 2021.

Pacific Games Stadium
(Image source: Twitter)

The newly constructed stadium is set to host the 17th Pacific Games and will continue to serve as a key sports and cultural hub in the Solomon Islands. Additionally, China has provided training equipment and coaching support to ensure the success of the upcoming games, reinforcing their strong partnership in sports and diplomacy.

Ensuring Democracy: The General Elections

Furthermore, the general elections scheduled for early 2024 hold immense importance for the Solomon Islands’ political landscape. Ensuring the safety and security of this democratic process is a priority for both nations.

The island nation has postponed its upcoming elections from its original schedule in May 2023 to 2024, and it has since raised concerns and sparked debates within the political landscape. The government’s explanation that it couldn’t simultaneously host the Pacific Games and hold an election in the same year was met with criticism, with opposition member Peter Kenilorea Jr. denouncing it as “an authoritarian move.” This tactic of extending government terms isn’t entirely unprecedented in the region, with a notable historical example being Samoa in the early 1990s.

However, these developments come on the heels of the controversial security pact Solomon Islands signed with China in 2022, which garnered significant international attention and concern from Western powers. The shift in diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China by the Solomon Islands and Kiribati in 2019 further underscored the geopolitical complexities at play in the region.

China’s Presence and Western Concerns

China’s involvement in the Solomon Islands has drawn the attention of Western powers. In 2019, following the switch of diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to Beijing by Sogavare’s government, China played a pivotal role in constructing essential infrastructure for the Pacific Games, including the main stadium and other venues.

The signing of a secretive security pact between the Solomon Islands and China in 2022 raised concerns among Western powers. Although the details of this pact have never been publicly disclosed, it sparked worries that China could potentially establish a military foothold in the South Pacific, altering the regional power dynamics.

Australia’s decision to increase its security presence in the Solomon Islands aims to address these concerns and uphold the stability of the region. As the primary security partner for the Solomon Islands, Canberra’s commitment to safeguarding the nation’s security during both the Pacific Games and the upcoming general elections underscores its dedication to the shared interests of regional stability and prosperity.