Experts say the problematic military recruiting environment is more than a low unemployment rate.

Economist Beth Asch has been studying military recruiting for nearly 40 years and is an optimist in recruiting. During Asch’s research, the military experienced successful and unsuccessful recruiting periods.

Recruitment was affected in the 1990s by the dot-com boom when more people were being hired in the growing technology sector. However, a more robust economy and the Iraq war in 2005 led to fewer people joining the military.

Recruiting problems can be overcome, as shown by history, Asch said.

She said it usually requires a lot of resources, results in mistakes, and is quite costly. However, I am hopeful that things will get back on track. Things have to.”
Senior military leaders have posited that the strong job market may be the reason behind the current recruiting difficulties because it may be challenging to entice personnel who also have the option to work for companies like Amazon.

However, the top Marine Corps officer suggested in a November article that a lack of eligible recruits and decreased confidence in the military are probably the main reasons for recruitment difficulties, not the strong job market.

According to Gen. David Berger, Commandant of the Marines, the Marine Corps is having trouble recruiting talented young Americans in a competitive economy and from a society increasingly distant from the military. All of the services are facing similar issues. This concerns me as a Commandant and a Joint Chiefs of Staff member because the Marine Corps relies on the other services and rely on us across a network of interdependencies.

“A growing percentage of those serving in uniform have a close relative who also served (or is currently serving),” Berger wrote. “In other words, those who are most familiar with the military are most likely to enlist.”