We Had No Hand in It

President Joe Biden addressed the recent mutiny by the Wagner mercenary group against the Russian government, describing it as an internal power struggle in which the United States played no part.

“We made it clear that we were not involved. We had nothing to do with it,”

Biden stated during a White House event on Monday. “We’re going to keep assessing the fallout of this weekend’s events and the implications for Russia and Ukraine. But it’s still too early to reach a definitive conclusion about where this is going.”

The revolt, led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, saw Wagner fighters seize control of Rostov and advance towards Moscow in an armed convoy. This brazen act represented an unprecedented public challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, after a tumultuous 24-hour period, Prigozhin announced on Saturday that he would stand down following an agreement with government officials.

Yevgeny Prigozhin

Prigozhin was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Russia, the same city where Vladimir Putin, the current President of Russia, spent most of his early years. It is said that Prigozhin’s relationship with Putin goes way back, and some even claim that Putin considers him a close ally and personal friend.

However, Prigozhin’s early years were marked by criminal activities and convictions. He had his first brush with the law when he was just 18, receiving a suspended sentence for theft. Two years later, he returned to court and received a 13-year sentence for robbery and theft. He served nine years in prison before being released early.

Despite his criminal record, Prigozhin became a successful businessman, setting up a catering company in St. Petersburg that quickly grew into a lucrative business. His business empire expanded into various industries, including restaurants, media, and security services, eventually making him one of the wealthiest people in Russia.

However, his alleged involvement in election interference and propaganda has put him back in the spotlight.

The US government has accused Prigozhin of being behind the infamous Internet Research Agency, a troll farm that operated during the 2016 US Presidential Election. The agency allegedly used social media platforms to spread disinformation and influence voters in favor of Donald Trump.

Prigozhin has denied any involvement in the activities of the Internet Research Agency and other similar organizations. However, several governments and intelligence agencies worldwide remain suspicious of his actions and believe he has close ties to the Kremlin.

Wagner Mercenary Group

The Wagner mercenary group has become a formidable force in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war. According to the UK Ministry of Defence, Wagner now commands 50,000 fighters in Ukraine, becoming a vital component of the Ukraine campaign. This is not surprising, considering the group’s history in conflict zones all over the globe.

In 2022, Wagner started recruiting in enormous numbers because Russia had trouble finding people for its regular army. This indicates that the group is viewed as a valuable asset by Moscow. However, their recruitment strategy has been questionable, as about 80% of Wagner’s troops in Ukraine have been drawn from prisons. This raises concerns about the group’s discipline and adherence to international law.

Despite these concerns, Wagner has proven to be a formidable force on the battlefield. Their tactics are ruthless and effective, relying on conventional and unconventional warfare. They deploy snipers, artillery, and drones to devastating effect. Their troops are well-trained and well-equipped, with a particular focus on urban warfare.

Wagner’s involvement in the Ukraine-Russia conflict has been controversial. They are seen as a destabilizing influence in the region, and the international community has condemned their actions. The group has been accused of numerous human rights violations, including the use of child soldiers and summary executions.

The Wagner mercenary group is a significant player in the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war. Their tactics and recruiting methods are questionable, but their effectiveness on the battlefield must be addressed. The international community must closely watch their actions to ensure that they adhere to international law and human rights standards.

Want to know more? Check this book: “Shadow Warriors : The Wagner Group: The most Secret Private Military Company”