Blue Force Gear is primarily known for their high-end tactical gear. This includes the famed Vickers line of slings, as well as plate carriers, chest rigs, and more. What they introduced at Shot Show 2017 was their first holster. The Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp Pocket Holster was born, and we covered it here. I was pretty pumped because even though I’m not a pocket pistol fan, I have a collection of them. I also like pocket carry for those days where I have to dress fancier than a T-shirt and jeans. Blue Force Gear makes great stuff, so their ULTRACOMP pocket holster was an interesting development.

The Details of the Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp Pocket Holster

The Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp Pocket Holster is made from ULTRAcomp. ULTRAcomp is a high-performance fabric that is used in almost all of Blue Force Gear’s kit. It’s resistant to tearing, fraying, and pretty much tells water to pound sand. The material is also ultra thin.

Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp pocket holster review
Thin even compared to kydex

Thin is good for a pocket holster. It eliminates bulk and reduces the weapon’s signature in your pocket. The Blue Force Gear ULTRAComp Pocket holster feels like it’s not even there. The holster is super light and the material is naturally sticky. Like any good pocket holster, it features a flared wing. This wing keeps the holster firmly in your pocket when the gun is drawn.


The Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp Pocket holster and I have been good friends for almost a week now. I’ve been carrying one of the best pocket pistols ever made, the Colt Government Pocketlite. Blue Force Gear makes the ULTRAcomp holster for the Ruger LCP, SIG P238, 938, Kimber Micro, and Glock 42. I don’t have those as pocket guns, but the Colt fits perfectly in the Sig 938 holster.

Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp pocket holster review

Once it’s in the pocket it is extremely comfortable and easy to forget. Seriously, this morning as I prepped for my day I left the house, climbed in my car and got to the grocery store. As soon as I walked in the door I panicked. I thought I forgot my gun. I forgot but in a good way. It was in my pocket, and it simply wasn’t poking or prodding me. This is impressive because the Pocketlite is not a small gun.


Blue Force Gear ULTRAcomp pocket holster review