KOBLENZ, Germany—Europe’s leading anti-immigrant and antiestablishment politicians rallied in the Rhineland on Saturday to launch an election year they hope will topple the European Union, displaying a new level of ambition and organization and casting U.S. President Donald Trump as their inspiration.

It was the first time that Marine Le Pen, the French nationalist leader vying for the presidency, campaigned alongside Frauke Petry, the most prominent of Germany’s anti-immigrant politicians. Leaders from Austria, the Netherlands and Italy joined them in ridiculing German Chancellor Angela Merkel and congratulating Mr. Trump—echoing or even directly quoting from his inaugural address.

“My friends, this year will be the year of the people—the year in which the voice of the people is finally heard,” said Geert Wilders, who is seeking to become the prime minister of the Netherlands in March elections, despite having been found guilty by a Dutch court in December of inciting discrimination.


Read the whole story from The Wall Street Journal.

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