Before we get into my thoughts on the Bubs Naturals Collagen Protein, I’d like to provide you with the back story of how it all started and why you should try this, especially if you’re over 40. The following is an excerpt from a conversation I had with the owner of Bubs Naturals.

Glen and I grew up together in Winchester MA.  We moved out to Utah together and were roommates on and off throughout our lives.  He joined the Navy and a few years later we both were living in San Diego.  Towards the end we were roommates when the whole Benghazi shit show went down.  I’m the executor of his estate.  Lets just say that Brandon and I’ve been through a lot with all of that.   After Glen passed his sister and I (and a few friends from high school) started the GDMF as a way to honor Glens memory, his sacrifice, and his never ending quest for self improvement.  As Glen struggled with the transition from the SEAL’s to civilian life we wanted the foundation to help in that transition through educational scholarships (with a touch of recreation thrown in for good measure).  


Glen Doherty “BUB”

BUBS was started after a confluence of events earlier this year.  First, I had the unique experience of doing a podcast with Evan an JT, the founders of Black Rifle Coffee company back in April about the charity world.  In it we talked about some of the problems facing the charity space and how to ‘institutionalize’ giving.  As I sit on the board of directors of the Glen Doherty Memorial Foundation charitable giving is a common topic for us.  Little did I know that that early talk with the Black Rifle guys would become one of a few sparks for BUBS. podcast/episode-037-talking- non-profits-w-sean-lake/ id1189773499?i=1000384755892& mt=2

Second, my wife introduced me to collagen peptides as a way to recover from all the exercise we do, and as a tool with pursuing ’the fountain of youth’ as it helps with joints, gut health, hair, skin, and nails to name a few benefits (‘you’re not getting any younger’ she said).  Side note, Glen and I as two guys in our 40’s often talked about the ‘Fountain of Youth’ and how to keep young physically through plenty of exercise and recreation (mentally we were always kids).  

Then my future business partner TJ remarked on the effectiveness of collagen from his experience and that it was a growing category in the health and wellness industry.  That sparked a napkin math conversation around starting a company and our mutual commitment to ‘paying it forward’.   As I mentioned above, I have watched a small charity struggle with the cycle of charitable giving and fundraising and how business could do more to give back to different causes.  Separately, TJ had aspirations to join the Navy and had those dreams cut short due to a car accident.  Since he couldn’t serve he’s always wanted to help that community.  

We agreed that charitable giving had to be a  foundation of BUBS.  That mantra  lead to our 10% rule giving 10% of EVERY sale of all products to charity.  We did research on the best in class certified ‘B’ corps like Patagonia and other charitable companies like Toms Shoes and figured we could blow their model out of the water.  Ditto for the supplement space.   We are doing what NO other company in this space is doing by dedicating this much of our bottom line to helping others.