Other Solutions Worth Thinking About

  • Initiate a U.S. government–sponsored global advertising campaign to counter ISIS’s own branding effort.
    • Hire a global advertising firm. In-house attempts by several agencies to run social media campaigns have not worked. Hire experts.
    • The goal is to make ISIS and radical Islam not “cool” anymore.
    • Recruit popular sports figures, political leaders, celebrities, and others to make anti-ISIS commercials across all forms of media (radio, TV, digital, print, social).
  • Develop authentic community outreach programs. Most government agency outreach we’re aware of has been disguised as informant hunting, and the Muslim community in America and abroad is on to this. It’s time to start meaning what we say and saying what we mean.
  • Stop profiling Muslim Arab men and women in America; it builds resentment. Profile history of actions, not skin color or religion.
  • Reduce the “Ugly American” footprint in the Middle East by downsizing the large military presence there.
  • Back Kurdish independence.
  • Focus a massive effort on building schools and hospitals in the Middle East and other areas of radicalism. We need to win more hearts and minds and give parents more options to send their kids to school. Many of the free schools available are run by conservative mullahs who preach and support a violent caliphate.
  • Most important, change the way we are thinking about dealing with this problem!

If Nike can authentically penetrate the action sports market in very small period of time, then the U.S. government can run similar campaign to combat the existing pop culture that makes it cool to support change through violence.

As the United States and its coalition partners conduct air strikes against ISIS and Khorasan Group targets operating in the chaotic Syrian battle space, the various ties of jihadist fighters to their extremist ideologies must also be targeted.

This chapter establishes a framework for understanding the problem of information exchange in the context of radical Islamist ideology, and proposes an outline for actions that can be taken to counter jihadist propaganda on an individual level.

With more than fifteen thousand foreign fighters currently fighting under the banner of ISIS or similar flavors of violent Sunni extremist groups, many jihadists—including two thousand Westerners—have been attracted to the Syrian battlefield by the allure of well-publicized and easily accessible radical Islamist ideology.

The global jihadist movement exemplified in Syria is a direct by-product of the rapid information exchange possible via the Internet and continues to be leveraged by jihadist organizations on a global scale to draw more followers toward radical Islamist ideologies.
Current CIA manpower assessments of ISIS and its foreign fighters confirm this and highlight the significant effect that a well-produced and streamlined message can have on the right target audience.

It’s Propaganda, and It Hurts

It is through proper targeting of vulnerable audiences using mass communications and social media platforms that groups such as ISIS are able to attract not only thousands of fighters to the jihadist cause but also rally a substantial base of popular support for their grievances on a global scale. Their propaganda efforts pose a significant threat to U.S. interests and require an equally significant counter-response.