Amid China’s Henan bank crisis, a video of military tanks lining up on the street circulated on the internet this week, and people went bonkers.

The clip was first uploaded on July 18 via Twitter and Facebook, suggesting that the Chinese government sent these tanks to control an ongoing protest in Henan province. However, it also gained traction from other social media sites and enraged netizens from far and wide.

Many had even compared the incident to the Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989 when the Chinese government deployed tanks and other fatal munitions to crush pro-democracy protests.

However, according to a fact-checking team, the video was “actually filmed in the city of Rizhao in Shandong province,” not in Henan. Upon further investigation, they also found that it was a military drill. Not to mention that a nearby naval base sits close to the city.

“Furthermore, the China Maritime Safety Administration published a press release informing citizens military exercises would take place from July 14 to 16,” the France 24 Observers team reported.

They also spoke with staff at Jinjian Inn, a hotel on the same road as the video, who confirmed the presence of the tanks on July 17. So, the tanks in the video were unrelated to the banking scandal.

What actually happened in Henan?

While tanks weren’t present in the current Henan bank crisis, the leaders of China’s party-state system did retaliate against protesters to maintain social “stability” and control the situation from further escalation.