China is not wrong to point out that America is largely responsible for creating more instability in the world. However, I’d also make a strong argument that America’s schizophrenic foreign policy has influenced Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Chinese are also masters of the long game. It’s hard to argue with the following headline.

A year later, China blames US ‘hegemony’ — not Russia — for the war in Ukraine.

Ahead of the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, China has launched a public diplomacy offensive to wrest control of the narrative about its role in the conflict, trying to clear itself of accusations that it has sided with Russia while accusing the United States of turning the match into a “proxy” war.Washington Post.

Last year I made a strong case linking Putin’s shift to extreme Nationalism, and the anti-western sentiment was linked to American Foreign Policy gone wild.

How did we get here?

Our Presidential political cycle is concise and forces Presidents to think short-term. Meanwhile, Putin and Xi of China can afford to think a long time and wait out short-term America Presidential cycles that have sitting Presidents thinking of re-election right after they swear in.

In addition, Russia and China are both good at influencing American election outcomes. The very freedoms we enjoy make it incredibly easy for foreign states to interfere and influence our political process.

TikTok is an excellent example of this, and behind the cat videos is a State-run social media business collecting data on  American users and their children. Joe Rogan had a good rant on this recently.