I completely concede the email controversy, that is Hilary Clinton, has been disputed, debated and ultimately disappointed many of us. Especially those who have had to deal with the responsibility of handling classified information. The objective here is not to continue down the road of Hillary bashing, there are vastly better controversies for that. The intent in this article is to explain why the failure to charge Ms. Clinton for mishandling our Nation’s secrets is just not going to hold water with those of us who’ve been vetted for access the same information. Effectively, this article is for those who have never been around classified material. It’s unfair for us to expect others to understand why this is such a black and white issue if we don’t make an attempt to inform.

So to be clear, this is not a hit piece, although clearly in opposition to what our “Justice” Department officials have concluded. As such, I will do my best to provide a concise explanation as to how classified information is processed and controlled. The objective is to justify my, and many others, opinions that anyone who has been allowed behind the curtain can never say, “Oops, I didn’t mean it” when they “unintentionally” mishandle classified information. In fairness to Ms. Clinton I can’t find a record of her saying that. Unfortunately, lack of Intent was used as justification not to formally charger her.

So get your sarcasm sensors calibrated and let’s get to it.


Generally intelligence gathering is what creates classified information. Admittedly this is not the author’s area of expertise. I’ll leave the details to the experts. A quick google search reveals the following types of intelligence gathering.

Human-Source Intelligence (HUMINT)

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

Imagery Intelligence (IMINT)