FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Tuesday his agency will learn from any missteps it might have made leading up to last week’s Manhattan bombing, amid reports that the alleged bomber had been known to agents for at least two years.

Comey, who was testifying before the Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, also said that when the FBI makes a mistake, the agency is open about it.

In two recent cases, he noted the FBI is looking over its past investigation of the Orlando nightclub shooter — and the bureau’s prior interactions with the father of Ahmad Rahami, who was charged last week in the Manhattan explosion that left dozens injured.

“We’re going to go back and look very carefully about the way we encountered him,” Comey said.

Rahami’s father has said he alerted the FBI about his son two years ago, though one source also told Fox News he later recanted. Still, his father complained about the FBI’s response.

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