In the continued pursuit of modernization, the United States Navy recently awarded the revered aviation firm Curtiss-Wright Corporation a $250-million contract to provide propulsion equipment for the service’s Virginia-class nuclear attack submarine, Columbia-class submarine, and Ford-class aircraft carrier programs.

This milestone is a groundbreaking development progress for the Navy and a remarkable feat for Curtiss-Wright’s expertise in engineering and manufacturing advanced technologies for naval defense—all in cooperation to bolster the country’s maritime capabilities.

Securing a $250-Million Contract for Naval Propulsion Equipment

Curtiss-Wright Corporation has secured a million-dollar contract alongside General Dynamics Electric Boat and Bechtel Plant Machinery. This recent agreement entails the delivery of crucial propulsion valves, control systems, pumps, and advanced instrumentation. This cutting-edge component aims to enhance the U.S. Navy’s vessels’ performance and reliability on the open seas.

aircraft carrier
Ford-class aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) / Image source: DVIDS

Curtiss-Wright’s commitment to strengthening national security and supporting the U.S. Nuclear Navy is long-standing, dating back to its extensive involvement in various critical naval defense platforms. The company’s Chair and CEO, Lynn M. Bamford, expressed pride in being awarded these significant naval defense contracts, emphasizing their unwavering dedication to providing the most sophisticated and dependable technologies to the U.S. Navy.

“We look forward to delivering the most advanced, reliable and vital technologies and remain well-positioned to benefit from the continued expansion of our U.S. naval fleet,” Bamford said in a press release statement.

Supporting Other Critical Modernization Efforts

The firm’s impressive track record extends beyond the recent contract. In June, Curtiss-Wright received a notable order to supply flight test instrumentation equipment for the U.S. defense’s F-35 modernization program. This move further highlights their versatility in catering to different branches of the military and reaffirms their reputation as a trusted partner in defense projects.

Moreover, the U.S. Air Force’s Nellis Air Force Base recognized Curtiss-Wright’s capabilities, awarding them a $24-million contract for Flight Test Instrumentation (FTI) equipment. Such a contract showcases Curtiss-Wright’s prowess in providing high-quality, state-of-the-art instrumentation systems, which play a crucial role in evaluating and optimizing the performance of military aircraft.

(Image source: DVIDS)

One of the most significant milestones for the company was the contract with the U.S. Marine Corps in March, wherein they were tasked with delivering a network platform for the service’s Wideband Satellite-Expeditionary (MCWS-X) program. This project aims to develop a cutting-edge, man-portable, multiband, high-frequency, multi-waveform satellite, ensuring enhanced communication capabilities and resilience for soldiers operating in the field. This revolutionary satellite system promises to transform modern battlefield dynamics by mitigating risks and bolstering lethality.

Meanwhile, Curtiss-Wright received additional million-dollar contracts in February to support the modernization of the Navy’s identification friend-or-foe (IFF) capabilities and the U.S. Air Force’s aircraft flight test data collector.

IFF technology is a critical recognition system that utilizes frequencies to “interrogate” and identify multi-domain vehicles, ultimately preventing friendly fire incidents, a concern dating back to World War II. Through these contracts, Curtiss-Wright reaffirms its commitment to ensuring the safety and efficiency of military operations.

calibrates a Marine Corps wideband satellite communication expeditionary system
A satellite operator calibrates a Marine Corps wideband satellite communication expeditionary system, 2022. (Image source: DVIDS)

A Long-Standing Relationship with the U.S. Forces

The recent string of successes for Curtiss-Wright is a testament to the company’s relentless pursuit of excellence in technological innovation and its unwavering dedication to serving the nation’s defense needs. Their long-standing relationship with the U.S. Nuclear Navy and the support they have received from Congress further solidify their position as a go-to partner for critical defense projects.

Its contribution to the Virginia-class nuclear attack submarine, Columbia-class submarine, and Ford-class aircraft carrier programs is poised to shape the future of naval defense technologies. Curtiss-Wright empowers the Navy to maintain its edge on the high seas and project power with unmatched precision and strength by supplying these vessels with state-of-the-art propulsion equipment and advanced instrumentation.

Meeting Timelines and Delivering Excellence

The scope of work outlined in the contract demonstrates Curtiss-Wright’s ability to execute complex engineering and manufacturing projects efficiently and precisely. Their Defense Electronics and Naval & Power sites in New York and Pennsylvania will serve as the hubs for engineering and manufacturing operations, ensuring the timely delivery of the propulsion equipment to meet the Navy’s needs.

Furthermore, the project’s completion timeline until 2028 showcases Curtiss-Wright’s dedication to adherence to schedules and their commitment to delivering top-notch solutions within specified timeframes. This reliability is crucial for the U.S. Navy and the rest of the armed forces, which rely on its partners to provide equipment and technologies that meet the stringent requirements of the maritime domain.

Paving the Way for a Secure Maritime, Airspace Future

As geopolitical dynamics evolve, a robust naval defense capability becomes increasingly important. Curtiss-Wright’s achievements in securing defense contracts demonstrate American innovation and ingenuity. Their continued contributions will play a pivotal role in safeguarding national interests and fostering a secure maritime future and other military domains.

The U.S. Navy’s continued investment in cutting-edge technologies and capabilities is crucial to maintaining maritime supremacy and safeguarding national interests worldwide for years to come.