If you ever wondered what to pack when traveling abroad to fight alongside Daesh [ISIS/ISIL], one jihadi’s travel wishlist is now available to all.

Thermal clothing, solar-powered chargers, and cash were among the list of items that one Daesh jihadi asked his wife to bring to Syria when she attempted to make the trip to the Caliphate.

According to photos recently released by an Australian court, 31-year-old Fatima Elomar was arrested in the Brisbane Airport in May 2014 when her luggage was seized by authorities, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

Elomar was the first woman in Australia to be found guilty of supporting Daesh, after she was stopped and searched with her four children on her way to reunite with her jihadi husband in Syria.

Authorities found messages from her husband requesting things like $10,000AUD (roughly $7,360USD) in cash, hiking and camouflage boots and gear, men’s underwear and clothing, sandals for children, sock, solar watches, a men’s shaver, power adapters, solar watches and his birth certificate.

Previously, in social media posts seen by The Foreign Desk, members of Daesh often share recommended lists of items necessary to “make hijrah” the name given to the holy trip in their messages, giving recruits step-by-step directions.

The list included items vital to Deash terrorist in the Caliphate:

  • Thermal clothing
  • $10,000AUD (roughly $7,360USD) in cash
  • Phones and chargers
  • Hiking and camouflage boots and gear
  • Men’s underwear and clothing
  • Sandals for children
  • Socks
  • Solar watches
  • Men’s shaver
  • Power adapters
  • Solar watches
  • Toiletries
  • Medication
  • Birth certificate

Most of which Elomar purchased on eBay, leaving an electronic trail for authorities who later matched her purchases with her online conversations with her husband, Mohamed Elomar.

Read More: The Foreign News Desk

Featured Image – The Foreign News Desk