THE BIG IDEA: John F. Kelly’s first move as White House chief of staff — firing communications director Anthony Scaramucci — validated President Trump’s decision to elevate him. The 67-year-old retired Marine general showed that he’s no nonsense, and the alpha male in the Oval Office surely appreciated the early show of strength.

“Trump’s willingness to dismiss Scaramucci — whom he hired just 10 days ago — was viewed by many in the West Wing as an indication that he is eager to impose order and is giving Kelly the tools to do so,” Abby Phillip, John Wagner and Damian Paletta report. “Removing him from the communications post is part of an effort to change the culture of the White House.”

It makes sense that Kelly axing someone as colorful as The Mooch would get the lion’s share of attention, but three other stories that came out in the past 24 hours also foreshadow what kind of chief he’ll be:


Read the whole story from The Washington Post.

Featured image courtesy of the Department of Defense