The investigation team will include the best operatives SBU and National Police.

The inter-ministerial group to investigate the murder of journalist Pavel Sheremet, which will include experts from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The head of the National Police of Ukraine, Khatia Dekanoidze, Security Service, prosecutors and Natspolitsiya will create a task force with the participation of the best operatives

“I have just met with the FBI in Ukraine and representatives of the FBI, too, will be involved in the investigation.” – Said Dekanoidze.

The order to bring to an FBI investigation and specialist experts from the EU countries came directly from President Petro Poroshenko .

Poroshenko at a meeting with heads of law enforcement agencies reported that he had asked for help from international partners and contacted the US Embassy in Ukraine for additional involvement.

Operational Group Poroshenko asked Hatii Dekanoidze, to lead the legal task force.

The President also reminded the public, that yesterday, there was a record number killed at the front.”We must not forget that the country is now defending itself against Russian aggressors and the best sons of Ukraine have given their lives to the front and we will not allow anyone to open a second front in the country.”

In turn, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko said that in addition to versions of the murder because of its professional nature, is to be considered a version of the destabilization of the situation in the capital. It is proposed to strengthen the supervision of the mass actions in Kiev in the near future.

“I do not think we have anything to prohibit, but any action in the near future should be organized with the use of a metal detector. Too many recent threats about possible provocations have overwhelmed authorities,  and in connection with today’s terrible events with Pavel Sheremet, can be part of a larger plan, “- said the prosecutor general.

This morning car explosion killed  journalist Pavel Sheremet. According to the Interior Ministry, it was a remote controlled explosive with 600 grams of TNT.

The car belonged to the head of the publication “Ukrainian Truth.”

The prosecutor’s office is investigating the death of Sheremeta as murder. Police are treating the attack on Maria Rydvan as an assassination attempt.

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Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RussianCnyxICHWcAAlw2Y Federation  also know as the second bitch of Moscow, next to Putin, had this to add,

Ukraine (not the country and the system) becomes the common grave of journalists and

Editorialism via Buck Clay . . . Add me to another list, FSB -whatevs.

Journalist of the Ukrainian version of the Forbes magazine Maria Rydvan was attacked in the park of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

She wrote on her Facebook page that she was stabbed three times in the park, after which she received medical care in an emergency hospital. “In park for no apparent reason a man ran to me and stabbed me three times… It’s all very strange,” Rydvan wrote on Tuesday.

According to her, she was seriously wounded in the arm, “the cheek was only scratched.” “It is not clear how much time it will take the arm to heal,” Rydvan wrote.

The National Police branch in Kyiv told Interfax-Ukraine that this information is being verified.

The police communications department in Kyiv said they had received information about the incident from the doctors, according to which on Tuesday a 25-year-old woman sought medical treatment for cut wounds of the left arm and shoulder, and said she works as an editor in a publication. In her words, the incident took place on Peremohy Avenue in Solomiansky district in Kyiv.

Read More- Interfax


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