It is being described as the biggest uprising against Indian rule in Kashmir in two decades. Since the rebel fighter Burhan Wani was killed on July 8, thousands have taken to the streets to protest.

Over 80 people are reported to have been killed and 12,000 injured in clashes with the Indian armed forces that often involve running battles between heavily-armed riot police and young people throwing stones.

The use of force against protesters isn’t new. But the shooting of pellets as a way of controlling crowds has grabbed the headlines, as hundreds have been struck in their eyes, with many losing their vision as a result.

The Indian government considers pellet guns to be non-lethal weapons, but at least 10 people have been reportedly killed since July. Human rights activists have called for the weapon to be banned, alleging they have “neither been used proportionally nor in compliance with international standards on the use of force or domestic standards on crowd control”.

Read More- al Jazeera

Image courtesy of AP