Amidst escalating violence in the Central African Republic (CAR), a remote village fell victim to a tragic attack, leaving 13 innocent civilians dead and further exacerbating the nation’s humanitarian crisis.

Tragic Attack on CAR Village: 13 Innocent Civilians Killed

In yet another tragic incident of violence, gunmen launched a deadly attack on a remote village in the Central African Republic (CAR), claiming the lives of 13 innocent civilians.

The attack occurred on Tuesday, August 1, in the village of Diki, near the Chadian border in the country’s northwest region.

(Photo grab via Twitter)

Regional prefect Jean Gilbert Gbangoudou told reporters that around 20 rebels were involved in the onslaught.

Furthermore, according to the village mayor, Ibrahim Senoussi, the rebels lured the village men under the pretense of a discussion and opened fire on them. The attack left 13 villagers dead, and two others were wounded in the violence. Fearing for their lives, the women and children sought refuge in the nearby bush.

The brutal incident occurred 22 kilometers (14 miles) from an army base in the Bamingui-Bangoran prefecture. Shockingly, the soldiers were only alerted to the attack after it had occurred, highlighting the challenges faced by the security forces in the region.

CAR Civil War
Map of the Central African Republic Civil War as of July 28, 2023. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Turmoil Amidst Controversial Referendum and Persistent Conflict

The Central African Republic, or CAR, is no stranger to violence and instability, with a history marred by civil strife and armed conflicts that have spanned over a decade.

The recent attack occurred just a day after a controversial referendum on a new constitution, which could potentially pave the way for President Faustin-Archange Touadera to seek a third term in office. Opposition parties, civil groups, and armed rebels had called for a boycott of the referendum, accusing the president of seeking to remain in power indefinitely.