Self-defense techniques have taken on an entirely new meaning in this day and age. Thanks to the existence of camera phones and digital technology, things can easily be taken out of context. 

Man in black outfit and athletic caucasian woman fighting on white studio background. Women’s self-defense, rights, equality concept. Confronting domestic violence or robbery on the street.

Here’s a scenario: you’re in a bar with your wife when a belligerent drunk suddenly decides to get handsy with her. They were harmless touches at first, but it quickly escalated to a level of harassment. 

Now, you’re in a bind. Doing nothing won’t make your lady feel good. But acting on it can also turn on you. Someone takes a video of you beating someone to a pulp and posts it online without proper context. Before you know it, you’ve been turned into an unwanted viral sensation. 

So are you in a lose-lose situation in a self-defense setting? Not if you play it smart. 

Smart Self-Defense Techniques to Remember

The keyword here is self-defense. The primary goal is to get out of there as quickly as possible and unscathed. You’re not there to engage in a mixed martial arts fight on concrete, so these techniques won’t involve any grappling. 

The Flicker Jab

In a street situation, most people who get in fights will likely throw looping haymakers with all their anger behind each shot. And in most cases, they don’t end well. 

Keeping your calm is key. So is the execution of minimal, efficient movements. That’s where the flicker jab comes in. It’s a quick shot you throw using your lead hand if you’re in a proper boxing stance. And it’s usually done using your non-dominant hand.