Estonia has recently jumped into the ring, folks, joining the Brits in this military training gig called Operation Interflex.

It’s all about beefing up Ukraine’s defense game, which has been lacking since Russia decided to throw its weight around.

Estonia’s Commitment: Training and Long-Term Support

Estonia, led by Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur, is stepping up to the plate, vowing to back Ukraine through Operation Interflex.

“In addition to a constant influx of weapons and ammunition, Ukraine needs the ongoing support of Western countries in training new and additional armed forces personnel in this war, as it transforms into a protracted conflict,” said Pevkur in a statement.

Their support plan includes shipping out more basic training instructors to events in the UK and rolling out specialized courses on their own turf.

And that’s not all – they’re committing to future missions under the EU’s Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine, making it clear this isn’t just a one-off; it’s a long-haul commitment to Ukraine’s defense.

Pevkur stressed the need for Western backing in Ukraine’s prolonged tango with Russia.

Training and beefing up Ukraine’s armed forces, he says, are key to giving them the chops to stand up against aggression.

“That is why Estonia has decided to join Operation Interflex, in which instructors from our own Defence Forces will soon be training Ukrainian soldiers in the United Kingdom,” he added.

Estonia’s decision to jump on board Operation Interflex is a solid nod to their solidarity with Ukraine and a firm stance on contributing to the stability of the region.

Building on Operation Orbital’s Legacy

Operation Interflex is riding on the coattails of its forerunner, Operation Orbital, which kicked off in 2014 post-Russia’s Crimea takeover.

Orbital, a collaborative effort by Britain and its mates, trained around 22,000 Ukrainian soldiers, laying down the groundwork for a stronger defense.

Interflex is the sequel, amping up the training game to fortify Ukraine’s resilience against external threats.

The birth of Interflex was announced by former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a tête-à-tête with Ukrainian President Zelensky, emphasizing the program’s role in fostering international cooperation.

Since its launch, Operation Interflex has been chugging along, training over 30,000 recruits by November 2023.

Estonia’s Role: Amplifying Impact and Expertise

Estonia’s instructors joining the Interflex party is a big deal, marking a significant moment in the program’s expansion.

UK Defense Secretary Grant Shapps gave a thumbs up to Estonia’s involvement, calling it the 12th nation to jump on the UK’s training bandwagon.

“Operation Interflex is the largest international training scheme for Ukrainian recruits of its kind, and I am very pleased to welcome the skills and expertise of Estonian instructors in bolstering the programme,” Shapps stated, adding that “Estonia’s contribution will mark the 12th nation to lend its support to the UK’s programme, which has already provided more than 34,000 Ukrainian recruits with essential frontline combat skills.”

Estonia’s move not only highlights the world’s collective commitment to Ukraine’s defense but also injects some fresh expertise into the mix, broadening the resources available to Ukrainian forces.

Interflex: A Beacon of International Cooperation

Operation Interflex sits as the big daddy of international training schemes for Ukrainian recruits, dishing out essential frontline skills to thousands.

Its success is a testament to the power of global teamwork in boosting the defense capabilities of nations facing external threats.

As Ukraine deals with its ongoing challenges, initiatives like Interflex shine as a symbol of solidarity and resilience.

To sum it up, Estonia’s decision to get in on Operation Interflex is a significant stride in ramping up Ukraine’s defense and keeping the regional peace.

Through joint efforts and rock-solid support, the international community is reiterating its dedication to safeguarding Ukraine’s sovereignty.

As Operation Interflex keeps on evolving, it remains a crucial tool in empowering Ukrainian forces and maintaining peace and security in the region.