Recently, Estonia and Latvia have jointly signed a monumental defense agreement with German arms manufacturer Diehl. The joint deal, valued at approximately 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion), is set to acquire the cutting-edge IRIS-T SLM (medium-range) air defense system.

This unprecedented development underscores the pressing need for enhanced air defense capabilities in the Baltic region, a concern magnified by recent geopolitical events, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

A Historic Defense Investment

Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur celebrated the momentous occasion, stating:

“This is by far the biggest defense investment in Estonian history. Together with Latvia, almost 1 billion for their company is something we don’t see every day.”

The significance of this investment is underscored by the ever-present threat to security in the region.

The devastating conflict in Ukraine, with Russia’s invasion casting a long shadow, has emphasized the critical importance of robust air defense systems. Pevkur added, “Russia’s barbaric war in Ukraine has shown that air defense is critical to protect armed forces and critical infrastructure from air attacks.” This sentiment resonated strongly with the signing ceremony attendees and underscored the gravity of the situation.

The IRIS-T SLM: A Game-Changer in Air Defense

The IRIS-T SLM, at the heart of this momentous acquisition, is a formidable medium-range version of the IRIS-T SL (InfraRed Imaging System Tail Surface-Launched) air defense missile system designed and produced by the German company Diehl Defense. Renowned for its cutting-edge technology and versatility, this system offers comprehensive 360° protection against various threats, including aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, and guided weapons. What sets it apart is its ability to engage multiple targets simultaneously within incredibly brief reaction times.

Key features of the IRIS-T SLM include a launcher unit based on a MAN 8×8 truck chassis equipped with eight missile container launchers. In the firing position, these launchers are erected vertically at the rear of the truck. The missile itself is derived from the IRIS-T air-to-air guided missile, boasting a high-resolution infrared seeker with a wide field of view, enabling engagement at both close and very short ranges, as well as interception at greater distances.

Diehl Defense - IRIS-T
(Image source: X)

Also referred to as the AIM-2000, its remarkable precision is further enhanced by its radar proximity fuse, thrust vector control, and state-of-the-art image processing technologies. This combination ensures real-time control, optimal accuracy, and resistance to modern blinding lasers. The missile’s capabilities extend to engagement in the rear hemisphere, making it a formidable choice for air defense.

With a maximum firing range of 40 kilometers and an altitude capability of up to 20 kilometers, the IRIS-T SLM is a formidable asset for safeguarding against various threats, including aircraft, cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), among others.

European Collaboration for Enhanced Security

In addition to the acquisition of the IRIS-T SLM system, Estonia and Latvia also signed a letter of intent to participate in Germany’s European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI). In the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this initiative has brought together 19 European nations, including Germany, Britain, Belgium, Finland, Hungary, the Netherlands, and Sweden, in a collaborative effort to bolster ground-based air defense.

Under the ESSI project, the Sky Shield system aims to facilitate joint procurement of short-, medium-, and long-range air defense systems. These include the German-made IRIS-T, the American Patriot, and the US-Israeli Arrow-3 missiles. This cooperative endeavor seeks to enhance the collective security of European nations against airborne threats.

However, it’s worth noting that France, Italy, and Poland have yet to join the project, instead advocating for an air defense system using European-made equipment.

Strengthening European Air Defense

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius expressed his satisfaction with the Baltic countries’ decision to procure the IRIS-T SLM, stating:

“I’m very happy that our partners, Estonia and Latvia, have decided to procure the IRIS-T SLM. This will, without any doubt, strengthen European air defense.”

Furthermore, he emphasized the significance of the letter of intent, stating, “The letter of intent signed today serves to pull the national IRIS-T SLM procurement efforts under the umbrella of our ESSI initiative. I really appreciate that.” The cooperative spirit among the Baltic nations and Germany underlines their commitment to collective security and their readiness to confront evolving security challenges.

A Forward-Looking Defense Solution

The IRIS-T SLM air defense system’s adaptability for both mobile and stationary deployment positions it as a critical asset in the evolving landscape of modern warfare. With its remarkable range, altitude capabilities, and precision, it stands ready to protect Estonia and Latvia robustly against various threats.

Notably, recent developments indicate a broader interest in the IRIS-T SLM system. Ukraine has received deliveries of this advanced air defense technology, affirming its effectiveness in safeguarding against regional security concerns. In a statement from the Estonian Ministry of Defense, negotiations for the acquisition of the IRIS-T SLM air defense system are set to begin with Diehl Defense, further highlighting the system’s appeal.

In a show of solidarity, German Brigadier General Christian Freuding affirmed Germany’s commitment to strengthening Ukraine’s air defense with two additional IRIS-T SLM air defense systems, reinforcing the system’s importance on the international stage.


Estonia and Latvia’s joint investment of approximately 1 billion euros in the IRIS-T SLM air defense system represents a significant step towards bolstering their national security. In an increasingly complex security environment characterized by evolving threats and geopolitical dynamics, this move underscores the critical importance of robust air defense capabilities.

Furthermore, their participation in Germany’s European Sky Shield Initiative reflects a commitment to collaborative security efforts among European nations. The IRIS-T SLM, with its advanced technology and adaptability, stands as a testament to the forward-looking approach of these countries in safeguarding their citizens and critical infrastructure from airborne threats. As regional and global security challenges continue to evolve, this historic agreement serves as a powerful symbol of unity and preparedness in the face of uncertainty.