Recent Situation Report in Ukraine: Ukraine’s military intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, revealed that Tuesday’s drone attack on a Russian airbase in Pskov originated from inside Russia itself. This attack, which Ukraine has now admitted to, has raised questions about the extent of cross-border involvement in the ongoing conflict between the two nations.

The attack on the Pskov airbase, located in the Russian city of Pskov, has been a subject of intense speculation since it occurred earlier this week. According to news reports, two Ilyushin cargo planes were destroyed, while two others sustained damage. Contrarily, Russian authorities claim that four planes were damaged. However, Budanov refrained from specifying whether Ukrainian or Russian operatives carried out the attack.

Drone attacks on Russian targets have become a near-daily occurrence, with Ukraine openly acknowledging its involvement in the Pskov strike. This incident, however, is significant as it puts to rest conjecture regarding the means of attack, ruling out the use of long-range weaponry.

A Bold Admission from Ukraine

Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, added fuel to the fire on Thursday when he stated that a Ukrainian-made weapon had successfully struck a target located approximately 700 kilometers away. Pskov, a Russian city, is nearly 700 kilometers (434 miles) from the Ukrainian border.

We are working from the territory of Russia,” Budanov confirmed to The War Zone on Thursday, though he refrained from disclosing the specific type or quantity of drones employed in the attack. Notably, the drones targeted the tops of the aircraft, where fuel tanks and a critical section of the wing spar are situated.

The aircraft damaged in the attack are long-range cargo planes, prized assets for Russia, capable of transporting troops and equipment over extensive distances.

Ukraine’s Evolving Strategy: Utilizing Drone Attacks

Traditionally, Ukrainian officials have been discreet about attacks within Russian territory. However, the intensification of the conflict seems to have emboldened officials in Kyiv, leading them to claim responsibility for these attacks as part of their country’s war effort.

Moreover, these drone attacks are part of a broader strategy employed by Ukrainian forces. While they may lack the overwhelming firepower of Russia, Ukrainians have embraced asymmetrical warfare tactics, making strategic use of drones to disrupt Russian operations and logistics.

Meanwhile, reports of drone attacks in various Russian locations persisted overnight from Thursday into Friday. Unverified reports suggest that a factory in Lyubertsy, located outside Moscow, which manufactures electronic components for rockets, was targeted. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, however, reported on his Telegram channel that the drones over Lyubertsy had been intercepted and shot down, causing neither damage nor casualties.

A Taste of their Own Medicine: Impact and Disturbance in Moscow

As in previous attacks in the Moscow area, these incidents disrupted flight schedules at Moscow airports on Friday morning, further straining transportation networks already grappling with pandemic-related disruptions.

Furthermore, in the town of Kurchatov, near the Kursk nuclear plant, Kursk Region Governor Roman Starovoyt disclosed that one residential and one administrative building had been struck.

The Kursk nuclear plant is of critical importance, and any attacks in its vicinity raise concerns about potential nuclear risks.

This escalation of hostilities and the use of drones in warfare is not unique to this region. Globally, the use of drones in armed conflicts has become increasingly prevalent. Nations, insurgent groups, and non-state actors have all turned to drones for various purposes, including surveillance, reconnaissance, and, as seen in this case, delivering precision strikes.

Drone Warfare: Becoming An International Dilemma

This shift has raised significant ethical and legal questions about utilizing drones in warfare, especially in densely populated areas or near critical infrastructure. The international community is grappling with the need to establish guidelines and regulations to govern the use of drones in armed conflicts.

Moreover, Ukraine’s counter-offensive in Russian-occupied territory continues. The Institute for the Study of War reported advances near Bakhmut in the east and in the western part of the Zaporizhzhia region. These advances signify Ukraine’s determination to reclaim territory held by Russian-backed forces, further underscoring the protracted nature of this conflict.

Diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis have not yielded significant progress as the conflict unfolds. International organizations and world leaders continue to call for a peaceful resolution to the conflict through dialogue and negotiation. The situation remains fluid, with developments evolving rapidly as both nations grapple with the consequences of these attacks and their implications for the ongoing conflict.


The drone attack on the Russian airbase in Pskov, originating from within Russian territory, is a stark reminder of the evolving nature of modern warfare. As technology advances, so do the methods and tactics employed by belligerents. The international community faces the challenge of adapting legal frameworks and norms to address these new challenges in conflict zones. Meanwhile, the people caught in the crossfire continue to suffer the devastating consequences of this protracted conflict.