Last Thursday, a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction that would prevent the US Air Force from enacting penalties, disciplinary action, and dismissals against 12 Air Force officers who had previously filed religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine. The disapproved religious exemptions would later evolve into a lawsuit over the vaccine objections filed last February. The vaccine was deemed mandatory by the Pentagon and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin III last year to prevent the spread of the deadly virus among the various US military branches.

These 12 US Air Force officers, and several airmen and reservists, mostly from the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base based in Fairborn, Ohio, filed their lawsuit against the federal government last February as their religious exemptions were denied by their superiors.

According to them, the Air Force had a double standard in approving the requests as 3,000 medical and administrative exemptions were allowed, and just nine religious exemptions from the vaccine were approved as of the date of their filling. They also claimed that those who had been infected with COVID-19 in the past and had survived were naturally immune to the disease, along with their religious concerns over the vaccines.

Three of the plaintiffs claimed that they did not want to be vaccinated as it violates the Christian doctrines regarding abortion. It would violate the holy rules as they claimed that some COVID-19 vaccines were developed using laboratory-grown aborted fetal tissue. Lt. Col. Edward Joseph Stapanon III, one of the plaintiffs, claimed that this would violate his Catholic faith in the process. However, the Vatican itself said that it was morally acceptable to take vaccines that had used cells from aborted fetuses.

In response, US District Court Judge Matthew McFarland in Cincinnati, Ohio, has granted a preliminary injunction to stop any disciplinary actions for the 12 Air Force officers, the airmen, and reservists until the case is resolved.

However, an article by Nebraska Medicine written by Dr. James Lawler (a practicing Catholic) said that the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells as they were thousands of generations removed from the original tissue. He does admit that the fetal cells grown in a laboratory were based on aborted fetal cells collected from the 70s and the 80s. These cells were used by Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, and Moderna during their research and development stage.

Furthermore, Pfizer and Moderna only used these cells to test the efficacy of both vaccines and did not use them in the production of the vaccine itself. However, Johnson and Johnson did use these cells for production and manufacturing, as announced by a North Dakota Health Handout related to COVID-19.

A person, wearing gloves and a surgical mask, handles a COVID-19 Vaccine vial and syringe (United States Census, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons). Source:
A person, wearing gloves and a surgical mask, handles a COVID-19 Vaccine vial and syringe (United States Census, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

With that being said, it is also important to note that the servicemen do have a basis for their concerns as they are valid; the Constitution does guarantee the exercise of religion. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is a law that prohibits the federal government and the states from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion unless the application of the burden is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest and “is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling interest.” In applying the law, the Supreme Court determined that laws are unconstitutional if they are inconsistent with the free-exercise clause pertaining to the exercise of religion unless they serve a compelling governmental interest.