The Israeli Air Force (IAF) announced the first night flight of their F-35I Adir stealth fighters.  Monday, two F-35I aircraft took off for their first night flight only a month after the IAF took delivery of them.

“We are performing a night flight very quickly in comparison to other aircraft that were integrated in the IAF”, said Lt. Col. Yotam, Commander of the “Golden Eagle” Squadron that received the “Adir”. “It’s a significant statement that says that to us, there is no difference between a day flight and a night flight”.

“Night flights are not unusual occurrences”, stated Lt. Col. Yotam. “The aircraft’s systems allow for comfortable flight at night, that is almost identical to a day flight.

Despite this, like in every mission, we operate slowly and in a supervised manner, while performing in-depth risk management. Tonight, we are examining how the aircraft’s night vision systems fit with the flight familiar to us”. – Defense Aerospace

Watch an F-35 on a Night Flight

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) took delivery of their first two F-35I ‘Adir’ stealth fighter aircraft on December 12th arriving in country at Nevatim AFB.

Featured Image by US Air Force, via Wikimedia Commons


This article is courtesy of Fighter Sweep.