Flying taxis are becoming a reality thanks to Joby and Delta.

Despite numerous attempts, flying cars have never been a part of everyday life. However, thanks to battery and electric propulsion technology improvements, we might not have to wait much longer. Joby, Archer, Vertical, and Lilium, among other startups, are working on electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft, electric eVTOLs, that will make air taxis a reality, according to CNBC

Flying taxis are not only becoming a reality, but they are also proving to be a valuable asset for the military. Joby Aviation, Delta, and other companies are working on electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that can be used as air taxis. These taxis can not only be used to transport people but also supplies and equipment.

One of the advantages of using flying taxis for the military is that they can help reduce the number of ground vehicles that are needed. This is important because it can save on fuel costs and reduce the amount of pollution that is created. In addition, flying taxis can help reduce traffic congestion in cities.

Another advantage of using flying taxis for the military is that they can help improve communication and coordination between troops. For example, in a combat situation, flying taxis could be used to transport injured soldiers to a hospital quickly and easily. They could also be used to transport supplies and equipment to troops who are stationed in difficult-to-reach locations.

Joby executive chairman Paul Sciarra told Axios that these taxis could improve military transportation processes. 

“We always thought it made sense to have a few shots on goal,” he tells Axios.

“This is about getting new technology to the Pentagon at a lower cost, and faster,” he said. “But it also ties into a long history that the military is often a good first customer.”

“And working with the US Air Force or Marines will also help build consumer awareness and trust, he said, adding, “seeing them fly around on bases helps normalize them to consumers.”

Joby has an existing program with the US Air Force’s Agility Prime Program. The Air Force Agility Prime Program is a research and development initiative that is working to create a new class of aircraft known as “agile flyers.” 

The Air Force Agility Prime Program is a joint effort between the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and Joby Aviation. The AFRL is responsible for conducting research into new technologies that could be used in agile flyers, while Joby Aviation is responsible for developing and testing prototypes of these new aircraft.

One of the Air Force Agility Prime Program’s primary goals is to develop more agile aircraft than traditional fixed-wing aircraft. Agile flyers can take off and land vertically, making them ideal for use in crowded urban environments. They will also be able to fly more slowly and operate more quietly than conventional aircraft, making them less disruptive to urban life.

The Air Force Agility Prime Program is also working to develop new propulsion technologies that could be used in agile flyers. One potential technology that is being investigated is electric propulsion. Electric propulsion would enable agile flyers to fly for longer distances on a single battery charge, making them more practical for long-distance travel.

The Air Force Agility Prime Program is scheduled to run until 2021. In the meantime, Joby Aviation is working on developing a prototype of an electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft known as the “Joby S2.” The Joby S2 is designed for short-distance flights within urban environments.

While flying taxis have many advantages, some disadvantages should also be considered. One drawback is that they are currently costly to operate. In addition, they require a lot of infrastructures, such as charging stations, which may not be available in all locations.

Despite these disadvantages, it is clear that flying taxis have a lot of potential for the military. 

As for Joby’s latest aircraft, they said that the aircraft is ready to deliver quick, quiet, and environmentally friendly urban transportation. The aircraft has accomplished over 1,000 test flights to validate its range, velocity, height, and low noise profile. The company was the first eVTOL firm to receive a G-1 (Stage 4) Certification Basis from the FAA, as well as its Air Carrier Certification Part 135.