Treading through unknown territory is a part of our job. But an uncharted path that a lot of us find challenging is the transition back to civilian life. This major event might come anytime, as one approaches retirement, or as a sudden occurrence brought about by unfortunate injury.

Fortunately, there are ways to face this transition more smoothly, especially when it comes to handling our finances. And that’s what we’re going to share with you below.

Budgeting Tips for Veterans

Get a transition fund ready

It’s never too early to prepare a transition fund. This is a savings account that you build in order to keep you and your family financially stable during the first few months that you might find yourself “in-between jobs.”

At the very least, it must be enough to sustain your lifestyle for three months and allow you extra funds for job hunting. Should you find yourself facing this transition unexpectedly and without this savings account to tap into, there are also personal loans for veterans, offered by various financial institutions, that you can explore.

Review your taxes

Keep in mind that a civilian’s payroll is subject to taxes, so your net pay will not be the same as the amount quoted to you during your contract signing. The same applies if you plan to start a new business.

Hence, it’s best to review your taxes and how they can impact your expenses. Make sure to remember the Internal Revenue Service’s deadline, April 15, for filing your taxes. You can seek the help of a CPA or financial expert if needed.