“Big Mountain Heroes,” a unique documentary film about special operations veterans pursuing internal peace through adrenaline and comradery, is slated to premier the Tower Theater in Bend, Oregon next Saturday, and now’s your chance to secure tickets.

Throughout nearly two decades of continuous combat operations around the world, members of America’s elite special operations community have served at the forefront of the nation’s fight against terrorism, tyranny, and oppression – but their service often comes at the cost of incredible physical and emotional sacrifice.  Some of the scars these men bear are easy to see, but others lie deeper within, where the effects of war can continue to rage on for a lifetime.

All too often, veterans of all sorts who struggle to cope upon their return from service turn to harmful forms of self-medication.  Alcohol and drugs, both prescription and illicit, continue to claim the lives of American heroes long after they’ve left the front lines.  The fight is ongoing, and within the veteran community, hope often comes in the form of a familiar face, as veterans band together to rise above their individual challenges, and help others to do the same.

“Big Mountain Heroes” is the story of five special operations veterans that took the motto, “thrills not pills” to heart – embracing who they are and where they’ve been while looking optimistically toward the future for veterans, from their perch, high up in the alps.

Former Army Ranger Isaiah Burkhart, former Army Sniper Nick Betts, former Army Ranger Leo Jenkins, and former Navy SEAL Brandon Webb are no strangers to danger, but this time, their pursuit of adventure took them far from the combat zones that had become so familiar.  The mountains outside of Chamonix, France offer breathtaking views, but true to the veteran spirit, they didn’t go just to see the sights, they went to find a challenge, and to overcome it together.

At next Saturday’s premiere at the historic Tower Theater in Bend, Oregon, you can see the inspiring story of how these five men chose to tackle the challenges of being a veteran.  The event also includes a silent auction, raffle, and Q&A with the Special Operations veterans at the heart of this story, and best of all, the entirety of the proceeds will go to the Central Oregon Avalanche Association and Red Circle Foundation, where the funds can will go on to help save lives.

Get your tickets to this once in a lifetime event at the Facebook event page here, and support these men in their efforts to change the way the world sees post traumatic stress.

Because the fight for the future of America’s veterans may never end, but it can get better – together.