The decision of the Greek Supreme court that the eight Turkish soldiers who have come to Greece after the failed coup of July are not to be extradited to Turkey, prompted a scathing response in writing from the Turkish side, and in the anniversary of the Imia crisis of 1996, a military show of force in the same area. -Vasilis Chronopoulos 

Greek and Turkish warships were involved Sunday in a brief face off near a group of disputed Greek islets in the Aegean, coinciding with renewed tensions between Athens and Ankara.

The Greek defence ministry said a Turkish navy missile boat, “along with two special forces rafts,” entered Greek territorial waters near the Imia islets.

Located just off the Turkish coast and claimed by Ankara, the uninhabited rocky islets are a historic flashpoint in a long-running demarcation dispute.

Read more from The Guardian 

Image courtesy of Hürriyet Daily News