In the midst of World War II, a brilliant and audacious idea took flight, quite literally on the British frontlines, in the form of the Hafner Rotabuggy. Conceived by Austrian aviation engineer Raoul Hafner and developed by the British Airborne Forces Experimental Establishment, this remarkable creation aimed to provide airborne forces with a unique form of ground transportation. Let us delve into the captivating story of the Hafner Rotabuggy, where a humble jeep took to the skies, forever altering the landscape of airborne operations.

From Jeep to Autogyro: The Birth of the Rotabuggy

The concept of the Rotabuggy stemmed from Hafner’s successful development of the Rotachute, which utilized a rotor instead of a parachute to enable pinpoint landings of troops in enemy territory. This achievement led to the daring proposal of applying similar principles to larger loads, specifically the idea of a rotor-equipped jeep and tank. Basically, it was a modified Willys Truck 4×4 model MB, commonly known as a Jeep, transformed into an autogyro.

The initial flight trials involved towing the Rotabuggy behind a Whitley bomber, but the experience proved arduous for the pilot, who had to grapple with a continuously thrashing control column within the cockpit. On occasions when the tow cable remained attached, heart-stopping moments ensued as the Rotabuggy, teetering on the edge of a stall, touched down after the tow plane departed and the driver assumed control. Despite these challenges, the concept of using rotors for pinpoint landings in enemy territory, as demonstrated by the successful development of the Rotachute, inspired the idea of applying the principle to larger loads.

The Rotabuggy Takes Flight: Trials and Triumphs

The development of the Rotabuggy involved loading a Jeep with concrete and dropping it from various heights to determine the amount of impact it could withstand. The successful tests revealed that the vehicle could safely absorb forces of up to 11g. Equipped with a two-bladed rotor measuring 12.40 meters in diameter, a streamlined tail fairing, tailplane, and twin fins, the Rotabuggy underwent further trials.

Initially towed along the runway at high speeds behind a supercharged Bentley, it eventually achieved airborne speeds of up to 105 kilometers per hour, indicated airspeed (IAS). On November 16, 1943, the Rotabuggy took its maiden flight to the skies for the first time at Sherburn-in-Elmet near Leeds. The initial test behind the Whitley bomber left much to be desired, with the control column thrashing about and the pilot exerting all his strength to maintain control. However, subsequent refinements addressed these issues, and the Rotabuggy’s handling and flying qualities were eventually deemed “highly satisfactory.”

A Symbol of Innovation

Despite its promising development, the Rotabuggy never saw active service. The availability of vehicle-carrying gliders provided a safer and more efficient means of transporting jeeps and equipment to the battlefield. Another of Hafner’s visionary ideas, the Rotatank, a rotor-equipped modification of the Valentine tank, remained confined to the drawing board. Nevertheless, the Rotabuggy stands as a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the British military during World War II.

Flying Truck
(Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Facts and Figures: Unveiling the Technical Details

The Rotabuggy boasted a gross weight of 1,411 kilograms, with the empty jeep weighing 964 kilograms and the rotor unit and tail weighing 249 kilograms. It was designed to reach a maximum speed of 241 kilometers per hour, with estimated rates of descent ranging from 4.9 to 10 meters per second. The minimum take-off and landing speed was 58 kilometers per hour, and the primary and maximum rotor speeds at sea level were 230 and 260 revolutions per minute, respectively.