Our troops may soon benefit from a potentially life-saving innovation. The US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) unveiled the Heat Injury Prevention System (HIPS) on Thursday, February 29.

Battling Heat on the Frontlines with HIPS

Heat injuries are a hidden threat on the battlefield, but the USARIEM is fighting back with a groundbreaking innovation: HIPS, a wearable device combatants can wear under their uniforms.

This next-generation technology could be the answer to the Army’s long-standing battle against heat injuries, providing its unit leaders with real-time insights into a Service Member’s heat illness risk while in the field.

HIPS is a waterproof, wireless device that straps to a soldier’s chest and monitors heart rate, skin temperature, estimated core temperature, and gait stability, offering a comprehensive picture of an individual’s heat stress.

“HIPS allows us to identify heat illness before it happens, taking preventative action before it’s too late,” explained Dr. Mark Buller, a Senior Principal Investigator at USARIEM.

Key Components of HIPS

HIPS consists of three key components:

  • Lightweight chest-worn sensor: Similar to commercially available fitness trackers, HIPS is comfortable and unobtrusive.
  • Advanced algorithms: These algorithms analyze data from the sensor to assess an individual’s heat stress and risk of heat illness.
  • Real-time monitoring app: This app provides unit leaders with a clear picture of individual, squad, and even company-sized element heat risk status. When paired with a geolocation device, leaders can also see the location of their troops.

Extensive testing at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island has yielded promising results. The research team, led by Dr. Buller, collected data from over 14,000 Marines participating in the grueling final Crucible training event.

“We’ve developed a heat strain index based on real-world data, allowing us to predict heat illness with unprecedented accuracy,” said Emma Atkinson, a Biomedical Researcher at USARIEM.

HIPS monitoring device
An officer oversees Marines using the HIPS monitoring app during the latest technology’s field testing on February 29, 2024. (Image source: DVIDS)

The Potential of HIPS in the Army

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Colonel Dave DeGroot, head of the Army Heat Center, believed HIPS had the potential to be a lifesaver. While still under development, DeGroot argued it was ready for widespread adoption in the Army.

In a recent report by Stars and Stripes, DeGroot emphasized the importance of preventing heatstroke, the most serious heat injury.

He highlighted Fort Moore, known for its high heat injury rates, as an example. While rates had been steadily declining, heat strokes increased in 2023, the hottest summer on record.

Colonel Ryan Wylie, Chief of Staff at Fort Moore, also highlighted the role of leaders in evaluating risk and making decisions to avoid heat injuries.

Wylie had encouraged leaders to consider weather conditions, especially during high-risk events like long marches.

The Marine Corps has already integrated HIPS into some training events, with every recruit in the Crucible equipped with the device, and DeGroot had urged the Army to follow suit.

Future Directions and Challenges

Looking ahead, the research team aims to personalize HIPS further.

“We’re working towards individual risk prediction,” explained Dr. Buller. “This will allow us to anticipate heat illness with even greater accuracy, providing a red flag system that alerts leaders when an individual is at high risk.”

“HIPS is a life-saving device with the potential to prevent countless heat-related illnesses among our troops,” concluded Atkinson. “It represents the future of soldier safety in hot environments.”

It is also worth noting that while HIPS sounds promising, there are still challenges to consider, including cost, durability, and data security.

Cost: Equipping large numbers of soldiers with HIPS could be expensive;

Durability: The device needs to withstand harsh training environments and different climates;

Data Security: Ensuring the privacy and security of combatants’ health data is crucial.

The future of HIPS likely involves ongoing research and development to address current limitations and improve its functionality.

As technology advances, we may see HIPS become even more integrated into military training, ultimately contributing to a safer and healthier environment for soldiers.