Many stories of soldiers that we have read in the past voluntarily joined the military with the desire to serve the nation either as their own decision or influenced by family and relatives. Popularly known as Red Baron, Manfred von Richthofen had quite a different story. His father volunteered him into the Cadet Corps, and he didn’t have a choice. Nonetheless, he was able to score 80 victories throughout his career.

Sent To a Cadet School By His Father

Manfred von Richthofen was born on May 2, 1892, in Breslau, Lower Silesia. His family came from a prominent Prussian aristocratic family, and his father was a career army officer. Thus, he wanted his three sons to follow in his footsteps. That was why when Richthofen was 11, he was sent to the Wahlstatt cadet school in Berlin, which he didn’t really like but had no choice anyway.

Manfred von Richthofen and his grandmother (Wikimedia Commons).

As he wrote in his autobiography, he had difficulties following strict discipline. He did not really care to follow the instructions he received, only doing the bare minimum to pass. However, he developed a liking for sports like gymnastics and football. He wrote:

“I had a tremendous liking for all sorts of risky tricks. One fine day I climbed with my friend, Frankenberg, the famous steeple of Wahlstatt, using the lightning conductor and tied my handkerchief to the top. I remember exactly how difficult it was to negotiate the gutters. Ten years later, when I visited my little brother at Wahlstatt, I saw my handkerchief still tied up high in the air.”

He completed the cadet training and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the German Army in 1912. Just two years after, World War I started.

Introduction to Flying

Richthofen served as a cavalry scouting officer stationed along Germany’s eastern border when WWI began. His cavalry regiment was there during the charge into Belgium and France, but when the war devolved into brutal trench warfare, horse-riding riding soldiers became unnecessary; they had no use against the enemies hiding in the trenches. His team was dismounted, and Richthofen was assigned to lay telephone wire and deliver dispatches instead.

Bored and disappointed that he was not part of the action in the middle of the war, he requested to be transferred to the Imperial German Army Air Service to become an observer, writing, “I have not gone to war to collect cheese and eggs, but for another purpose.” His request was granted in 1915.

He was assigned to the Feldfliegerabteilung 69 as an observer, and he described how things didn’t go well that first time: