In late June, the Defense Intelligence Agency released a lengthy unclassified report on the Russian military for the first time since 1991, and it contained an interesting detail about Russian military-hardware exports.

Rosoboronexport, the Russian state-owned military company accounting for about 85% of all exports, alone sold military equipment to about 70 countries in 2015, the DIA report said.

Fifteen smaller companies make up for the other 15% of exports, which totals about $2 billion a year, the DIA report said. This means that the actual number of countries that bought military equipment from Russia in 2015 could easily be more than 70, DIA spokesman Navy Cmdr. William Marks told Business Insider.

Moscow also said last year that it sold $14.5 billion in military equipment overseas in 2015, the DIA report said.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

Featured image courtesy of the Russian Ministry of Defense