A senior Israeli military official said on Wednesday that Hezbollah militants fighting in Syria were using American-made armored personnel carriers that were originally supplied to the Lebanese Army.

Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia and political party, is fighting in Syria on the side of the Russian- and Iranian-backed government of President Bashar al-Assad against rebels seeking his ouster. Both the United States and Israel consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

If the A.P.C.s passed to Hezbollah from the United States-assisted Lebanese Army, that might point to a broader leakage of weapons to hostile groups, and to cooperation between the Lebanese armed forces and Hezbollah.

It would not be the first time that weapons supplied to a friendly Arab government by the United States ended up in the hands of militants. Shiite militias in Iraq have been photographed with American-made weapons. And this year, weapons given to Jordan by the United States and Saudi Arabia for Syrian rebels were stolen by Jordanian intelligence agents and ended up on the black market.

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