You know they say, “If it’s stupid and it works, it isn’t stupid.”  Perhaps that’s what the Israelis thought when they found themselves surrounded on all sides by Arab enemies after the State of Israel’s independence was proclaimed on May 14, 1948. They, at that time, did not have an ample number of people, technology, or the artillery and equipment to fight off the Arabs. What they had, though, were ideas. Although unconventional as it may sound, their methods were deemed effective and helped them fully gain their independence, even at one time, they had to use seltzer bottles. Here’s the story of how they did it.

Short Background on The Battle

The issue could be traced back to when many Jews flocked to Palestine during World War II as a result of the Holocaust in Europe. The Jews thought the British forces betrayed the Zionist cause after they attempted to limit Jewish immigration to appease the Arabs after encouraging that immigration with the promise of a homeland after the war. When World War II ended, Britain sought help from the United States to help find a practical solution to the ongoing conflict.

So when the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 181 on November 29, 1947, with 33 countries voting in favor, 13 countries against, and 10 countries abstaining. Expectedly, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia were among those who were against it, even pledging to defy its implementation by force.

Refusing Resolution 181

The Palestinian Arabs refused to recognize that arrangement when it was finally officially adopted. Resolution 181 was also known as the 1947 Partition Plan, and this would divide the former Palestinian mandate of Great Britain into Jewish and Arab states. According to it, the area of religious significance surrounding Jerusalem would remain under the international control of the United Nations. It says:

“Having met in special session at the request of the mandatory Power to constitute and instruct a Special Committee to prepare for the consideration of the question of the future Government of Palestine at the second regular session;

Having constituted a Special Committee and instructed it to investigate all questions and issues relevant to the problem of Palestine, and to prepare proposals for the solution of the problem, and

Having received and examined the report of the Special Committee (document A/364)(1) including a number of unanimous recommendations and a plan of partition with economic union approved by the majority of the Special Committee,

Considers that the present situation in Palestine is one which is likely to impair the general welfare and friendly relations among nations;